Page 26 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 26

Quick Ideas 10 to 11

    The best way to reduce your cost of prospecting and get
results is to host a breakfast or lunch during business hours.
Pair up a sizzling agenda and a free meal, and you’ll be sur-
prised at how quickly your prospects become loyal customers.

People-to-People Prospecting

    One quick idea to encourage prospects is to assign an in-
side person as their direct contact. This can allow you to train
those insiders to know a lot about the prospect and be ready if
that prospect calls. It gives the prospect a name and a face to
connect with, and can be

tremendously encouraging           Assignment
to get them to make that
first call to your company.      There are many sources
                             for photo business cards, and
    One large car dealer-    with today’s digital technology
ship, upon learning about    you can send photos to them
this idea, made a dramatic   and have cards back faster
change in how they ap-       than ever. By using digital pho-
proached their prospects     tography and vendors, afford-
and customers. They be-      able and classy cards can be
gan using business cards     produced, changed, and kept
with each person’s picture   fresh at little or no cost.
printed on them. They re-
alized they were trying to
sell people, not cars. On

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