Page 22 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 22
Quick Ideas 6 to 8
made an impression on him. He realized that sometimes it’s
important to do more than just say thank you. Employees al-
ways appreciate tangible rewards, and loyalty can be rewarded
in many different ways.
If you work with one, two, 10, or 100 other people who can
help you get new customers, then there are times when it’s
important to show them your appreciation in a tangible way. It
might be as simple as bringing in some doughnuts for everyone,
or as important as holding an annual dinner to show your co-
workers and associates how much you appreciate their help.
In any event, think about giving tangible rewards. You might
even consider sharing some of that reward money!
What gets rewarded, gets repeated.
Make Me Feel Important
Think back to the last time you had that really warm glow
inside when somebody made you feel special because they
saw a sign hanging around your neck that said M-M-F-I, or
Make Me Feel Important.
One of the basic principles Assignment
of winning customers away
from your competition is to Brainstorm what you
make them feel wanted, can do to make people feel
needed, and appreciated. important. Develop a system
Every time you see a pros- to do it every day, and with
pect or customer, mentally every customer.