Page 21 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 21

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

people would perform and embrace the complete Wal-Mart
idea. Did it work? If you’ve ever been in a Wal-Mart store
early in the morning when they have their store meeting and do
the Wal-Mart cheer, you know that their associates truly be-
lieve in the values and benefits that their company promotes.
Many of those associates have since become stock holders,
and gone on to become quite wealthy.

        Tell me, and I’ll forget; show me, and I may remember;
   but involve me, and I will understand. That is a perfect ex-
   ample of a relationship between associates.


If You Want Loyalty

When Cindy’s boss saw a pile of new correspondence on

his desk, he knew Cindy had been hard at work. On top of the

pile was a note that said “If you want loyalty, get a dog. I work

                              for money.” In addition to

      Assignment              smiling, it got her boss won-
                              dering if she was sending him
    Your people are looking   a message. When he asked
for more than just a pat on   Cindy about it, she laughed
the back and a thank you.     and said “No, I wasn’t ask-
Thank them in a tangible way  ing for a raise, although I do

for the help they’ve given work for money. I simply

you, and they’ll be quick to thought you would see it as

help you again tomorrow.      fun, and might enjoy it.”

                              While he enjoyed it, it also

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