Page 18 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 18

Quick Ideas 3 to 4

any other way. For this quick idea, our recommendation is that

you form a team and call it

your prospecting task force.

Each Tuesday morning                 Assignment

at 7 a.m., a group of people         Form a prospecting task
from different departments       force today and follow these
gathers at a restaurant to do    ideas and watch what hap-
their prospect planning for the  pens. Make sure you pick a
week. The coordinator, their     diverse group of people from
national sales manager, starts   your company for your task
the meeting by reviewing their   force and don’t be afraid to
Top 10 prospects from the        move people in and out as
previous week and the re-        you discover how the team
sults from their action plan     works together.
they put together the previ-

ous Tuesday. Following that,

they create a new Top 10 agenda. After that list of 10 is in

place, they brainstorm a few action items for the week to come,

and assignments are made to various task force members to

follow-through. Their real secret is the energy and synergy that

flows out of the group. An excellent example of this comes from

Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, who said “No one of us is

as smart as all of us.”


    Don’t wait for something to happen. If you get your task
force together today, you can make it happen!

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