Page 16 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 16

Quick Ideas 2 to 3

incidentals, and some free time to enjoy Opryland, and the en-
tire event became a huge success. It’s conceivable that some
of the spouses and significant others may have been more
sold on the company than the original prospects! Regard-
less, the event paid off in a big way, and the major distribu-
tor earned some major new customers.

        You can never have too much influence with a prospect
   or customer, so use whatever means are available to convince
   them to join your business. You can often use spouses or
   partners to give that last extra effort to push your prospect
   over the edge and become your customer.


            Involve the Family

    If you truly want to build long-term name recognition and
convince prospects that you are the best choice, then mailing to
their homes can have a huge payoff. Obviously, you need to be
careful what you send and make sure it’s appropriate to tell
and sell your story, but your creativity is endless, so use car-
toons, fun newsletters, or contests to involve the family.

    When a Virginia-based tire company wanted to better
involve both their employees and their prospects in under-
standing what the company was doing to grow, be successful,
and serve its customers, they began mailing a high-quality
newsletter to the homes of all prospects and customers in

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