Page 20 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 20
Quick Ideas 5 to 6
Examine the finances of any major university, and you will
find that their alumni are the driving force behind their success.
They have harnessed the power of their former students and
their educations. Never overlook the power of education for
your employees if you want to enhance your business.
Call Them Associates
One of the awkward things many business owners must
decide is what to call their coworkers. Should they be labeled
employees, staff, crew, the workforce, or some other descrip-
tive term? My choice, after careful research, is to call them
associates. If you practice servant-leadership, then you be-
lieve that your goal is to create relationships with potential cus-
tomers. You and your
workers are associating to- Assignment
gether to serve and to help,
which makes for a beneficial This idea could backfire
relationship. if your employees don’t see
Sam Walton’s wife con- themselves as associates.
vinced him to use associates You need to address and treat
when the Wal-Mart empire them like associates, with
was in its early days and they respect and dignity. If you do
were starting to be success- this, they’ll soon see them-
ful, both in growth and mar- selves as, and start acting
ket share. She believed that like, true associates.
by sharing the bounty, their