Page 15 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 15

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

    The only thing worse than allowing a rogue employee to
destroy your attempts to get new customers is paying him or
her to do it!

Bribe the Significant Other

There’s nothing better than selling a prospect, but it doesn’t

hurt to include their spouse or significant other in your sales

effort. In fact, that significant other may become the key moti-

vator to get your prospect to become your customer. After all,

it never hurts to have more influence with your prospect.

When a major distributor was planning his sales conference

at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tenn., he decided to invite the

            significant others of his pros-

Assignment  pects. His company had
            worked hard to build a data-

Start now gaining and base with all their prospect’s

building a database of your names, and a special message

prospects’ and customers’ was sent to their homes. The

partners, family names, and offer was to come to the con-

home addresses. In the ference for an all-expense-

days and years to come, paid weekend experience with

this list will be as valuable hors d’oeuvres, good food, a

as any you will ever have. touch of business, and some

            classy entertainment. Throw in

            a really deluxe room, a bottle

            of wine, a gift card to pay for

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