Page 19 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 19

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

Use Your People

Why do you need to get new customers? Is it because

your business is poorly run and you keep losing the ones you

have? Are you ready to fill the capacity of your plant, establish

a new location, get more volume for economies of scale, or

replace the natural attrition that all businesses experience?

                                Hopefully it’s because you

                                want your business to grow.

Assignment                      If growth is your objec-

    Examine your sales and      tive, you might appreciate a
workforce. Evaluate their       reminder of the huge oppor-
skills and explore educa-       tunity that educating pros-
tional or training opportuni-   pects and customers can
ties to increase their skills.  produce for you. One of my
Also examine current tech-      favorite quotes is, “Your busi-
nologies that can be har-       ness must grow for people to
nessed to help you sell and     grow, and people must grow
create relationships with       for your business to grow.”
customers.                      Think about how the explo-
                                sion of technology can help

                                you make education a corner-

stone of your prospecting efforts. Think about another quote from

William Arthur Ward: “The mediocre teacher tells, the good

teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates, and the great

teacher inspires.” Remember those words when developing your

own educational program. Smart associates make smart deci-

sions, which can help you develop a better business.

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