Page 14 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 14

One Thing Worse Than a

Rude Employee

Not every person is cut out to help you prospect for new

customers. You’ve been told before and you’ll hear it again,

hire for attitude and train for aptitude. The people in your busi-

ness who meet and greet customers have to do it with a smile.

Prospecting for customers requires people with a pleasing, posi-

tive, and agreeable attitude. Anyone without that mindset needs

to leave your business!

When an Illinois farm implement dealership confronted the

fact that their parts manager was a walking encyclopedia for

tractors, combines, and

implement equipment, they           Assignment
also had to admit he was the
most cantankerous guy east         A good prospector
of the Rocky Mountains.        evaluates the people who
He constantly aggravated       are helping him or her to
fellow employees and drove     achieve his or her goals. If
away customers. They had       you have people who are not
to debate between the value    willing to work to bring in
of his knowledge and his       new customers, you need to
continual conflicts with cus-  evaluate whether they
tomers. They finally           should stay in your business.

reached a decision and had

to invite him to pursue other

employment. Immediately

after this problem employee left, many prospects returned to

the company and became customers. It seems that he had alien-

ated a great number of people over the years, and they had

begun to avoid this dealership. Once he was gone however,

things changed, and business soon picked up.

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