Page 17 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 17
151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers
Assignment their database. Contained in
that newsletter was a code
Think about what you number. Each month they
can do to involve your pros- would randomly call two
pects’ and customers’ fami- homes, and if the person who
lies. It’s a great way, at little answered the phone had
or no expense, to tell and sell read the newsletter and could
your story and convert those recite the number, the com-
hard-headed prospects into pany would immediately
big buying customers. Let send over two crisp, clean
their family help you con- $100 bills. That meant for
vince them to join you. $400 each month, this com-
pany convinced about 1,000
prospects and customers to
know about their newsletter, look forward to its arrival, and be
involved in the information it provided.
You can’t have too much help when it comes to convincing
prospects to be your customers. Don’t be shy about reaching
out to families, because it’s a win-win situation for everyone
Prospect With a Task Force
Prospecting should be a team effort in your company. The
acronym of T-E-A-M stands for Together Everyone Accom-
plishes More. There’s something about the energy, synergy,
excitement, enthusiasm, and creativity of getting a group of
people working together to win customers that can’t be achieved