Page 28 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 28

Quick Ideas 11 to 12

dozen other clinics across the

United States that are very             Assignment
similar to theirs, but in non-
competitive locations. A               Consider putting your
broadcast letter was sent out      own small group together.
to all those on the list and       Get to work identifying other
they quickly formed a small        companies like yours and
group that meets twice a           build relationships that can
year. They spend two days          pay off for everyone in-
together reviewing their fa-       volved. There are many re-
cilities, talking about their op-  sources that can help you
erations, and generally            identify these companies.
brainstorming about what is        The secret is to understand
working and not working for        that help is out there!

each of them. It’s amazing

that a group of business people can come together, share their

very best ideas, and everyone goes home with new excitement

for their business. It’s probably one of the biggest payoffs that

you can get if you are working on a serious and ongoing pros-

pecting effort.


    Yogi Bear, my favorite cartoon character, always said
that you can see a lot when you look. Think about how much
you can accomplish if you start building relationships with
people who have ideas like yours.

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