Page 39 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 39

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

     Assignment               business. George believes
                              that to regain lost customers,
    Be a private investiga-   he’s got to become a private
tor and learn from your lost  investigator, because he
customers. Don’t just accept  wants to learn why a cus-
the loss! Work like crazy to  tomer might leave him in the
get them back. Remember,      first place. Those reasons
you once had a relationship   become valuable lessons to
with them, so go back and     improve all his customer re-
review what was success-      lationships, even if he loses
ful in the past.              the customer from whom he
                              learned the lesson.


    Accepting customer attrition without trying to stem the
tide can start a downward spiral. Learn to fight back, and
renew those relationships!


       Turning Off Your Prospects

    Like it or not, you’re really in the people business. You just
happen to offer the products and services that you do. If you
can organize, inspire, and energize a group of effective em-
ployees, the world is your oyster. It is your guaranteed key to
success, regardless of the products and services you offer.

    One thing that has leaked out of our Customerology re-
search is that prospects and customers hate to see changing
faces. They develop friendships, relationships, and get to know

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