Page 76 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 76
Quick Ideas 53 to 54
People become what they see of themselves in their mind’s
eye. When you lift them up and put them on a pedestal, they
will perform to that level.
The C-Y-A Factor
More than one sales rep knows the agony of defeat. Some-
times defeat comes from failing to get permission before taking
an action, which can result in anything from a small dose of
criticism to a big dose of being fired. Adopt the rule of When in
Doubt, Check it Out. Get permission before you proceed on
anything that might backfire on you later!
An advertising agency
recently placed an ad for Assignment
Wal-Mart on the west coast
without running it by Wal- Make it a rule that if
Mart Management first. It your gut reaction gives you
was very out of style with any concern, you will make
what Wal-Mart would typi- time to check it out. You may
cally do, and customers and even want the customer to
prospects alike were in- initial or sign off on what
sulted. Ultimately the you’re about to do so you can
agency was fired and lost C-Y-A (Cover Your...)
a very lucrative account. If
they had gotten that ad cleared with Wal-Mart management,
even on a local level, they probably would still have that ac-
count. Unfortunately, they’re now out doing a great deal of