Page 77 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 77

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

prospecting for new customers. But they’ve learned an impor-
tant lesson, to always check with the appropriate authorities
before making any big decisions.

        Sometimes it’s easier to get forgiveness than get permis-
   sion, but to be safe, always use the rule of “When in doubt,
   check it out.”

The Best Prospect Ever

Prospecting for new customers can be expensive, hard

work, and eat up your time like a hungry goat in your neighbor’s

yard. The best prospect has always been, still is, and will al-

ways be the one who contacts you. You are starting with a

potential customer who knows they have a need or want, is

                                ready to buy, and is giving

Assignment                      you a vote of confidence by
                                reaching out to you first.

    As long as it’s legal and       Renee, a response and
ethical, we can call, poke,     marketing consultant from
push, pull, incentivize, moti-  Florida, believes that there
vate, stimulate, remind, in-    are three important prospect-
spire, and do anything we can   ing principles to remember at
to get prospects to call us.    all costs: (1) Your success

                                will be determined by the

                                quality and quantity of your

prospect list; (2) Your prospect must hear from you a minimum

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