Page 84 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 84
Quick Ideas 60 to 61
Tell and Sell
I’m a confessed nut about prospecting at little or no cost.
One important step is to have your name and contact informa-
tion on everything you print, sell, make, take, or give away that
could direct a prospect back to you. The best strategy is to
have your Website visible on everything from pens to notepads,
and calendars to tape measures. If you leave these items with
prospects, either purposely or accidentally, the prospect will
eventually notice your contact information and either call you,
or check out your Website.
One prospect couldn’t Assignment
remember our name and
phone number, and had un- Teach your staff that
fortunately lost our business nothing is to leave your busi-
card. But luckily, he found a ness without having your
pen that I had left there sev- contact information on it. It
eral years ago, and it had our could be a Website, e-mail
Website on it. He was able address, or phone number.
to visit our Website, and Just make certain they have
reach us through our contact a way to reach you!
information. Since then, he
has become a huge customer,
and is likely to spend many dollars in the future. We would never
have gotten their account had we not taken the step of being
visible and giving people a way to contact us. You have to re-
member to tell and sell to meet prospects and make customers.
A funny thing happens when you don’t promote your-
self. Nothing!