Page 89 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 89

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

                               your next vacation, take

Assignment                     along a set of labels or the

    Take every opportunity     addresses of your best pros-
to maintain T-O-M-A with       pects. While you’re sun-
your customers and pros-       bathing on the beach or
pects. Try something at least  sitting beside the pool, send
once a month. And don’t        some “I wish you were
ever forget them while you     here” type postcards back to
are on vacation.               your prospects. Every tour-
                               ist area has them available.

                               They are affordable, and

they’re a fun way to communicate and keep T-O-M-A with

your prospects.

    You need to be creative different to consistently maintain
Top-of-Mind-Awareness with your prospects and customers.


         The Proof of the Pudding

    The proof of the pudding is not in the tasting, but in whether
people return for a second helping. You can get anyone to try a
bite of your favorite recipe, but if they don’t care for it, getting
them to take that second bite is going to be tough. The same is
true with prospecting for customers. Getting new customers is
simply a function of your willingness to spend on promotion and
advertising, and to do cost-cutting and giveaways to bring them
in the door. If you do all that, you can get the new customers.

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