Page 87 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 87

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

holder, ink pens, rulers, and more, all with the insurance
company’s name, logo, and phone number. When his current
association insurance program hit a speed bump and they had
to source another vendor, it was easy to decide who to call.
Their name and phone number was everywhere. Not a bad
investment for some logo identity items that were left behind.

        In today’s over-communicated world, where it is nearly
   impossible to get your advertising message out to custom-
   ers, this concept is a winner that you can do with little or no


           Learn from the F.B.I.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, better known as the

F.B.I., is known coast to coast for their 10 Most Wanted list.

Each week they review and update the list, removing those

                              people who’ve been cap-

Assignment                    tured, or adding people who
                              warrant it. You can use the

Make a Top 10 wanted same idea to focus your time,

list, and develop the weekly energy, and resources on

discipline to update it. Be your best prospects by hav-

sure to make assignments so ing your own Top 10 Most

that your staff knows who is Wanted list.

responsible for each item on  Terry, a very effective

the list.                     sales manager, believed

                              that if his salespeople were

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