Page 98 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 98

Quick Ideas 72 to 74

send broadcast e-mails without getting the permission of the
people you put on your list. Third, when you’ve got something
of benefit to the receiver, don’t be afraid to send it by e-mail,
but make your message short and sweet. Lastly, if in doubt,
check it out. Get permission before you send an e-mail.

       When used correctly, e-mail can be your greatest pros-
  pecting tool. But used without caution, it can become your
  worst nightmare.


            Keep the Lights On

    It’s unlikely your business can justify offering 24-hours a
day and seven-days a week service, and it’s possible your cus-
tomers don’t need or want that level of help. But today there
are simple and affordable ways to show your customers they
aren’t stuck when your door is closed and the lights are out.

    Arriving at a major chain drugstore location, one customer
was exasperated to find them closed. Then on the door, she
noticed a sign directing her to the nearest 24-hour pharmacy.
She was thrilled. What can you do during non-business hours
to help your customers? Would an emergency phone answer-
ing service be of value? Would customers benefit from having
a cell phone number or beeper to call in an emergency? Would
a 24-hour help line answer their questions and hold them off
until you open? And what can you do when the phone rings
after hours? Rather than let them just hear it ring, you could get
an answering machine, and tell them when you can serve them.

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