Page 103 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 103

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers


Is Your Image Working for You?

Look around your company today, including the buildings,

vehicles, offices, signage, and your trucks on the road. What

kind of message are you sending to your prospects? How would

you rate yourself as you look today? Would you say it’s sad and

definitely needs improvement? Would you say it’s average or

typical when compared to your competition? Or would you rate

yourself as outstanding? It’s important to take the time and

analyze what your image is, and whether it’s working for or

                              against your long-term


Assignment                    Mike’s Car Wash is a

    Take inventory of your    highly successful regional
company’s image and set a     group of car wash facilities.
goal that you will no longer  The appearance of their fa-
accept the average. While     cilities is not typical or aver-
being average may not work    age, but it is definitely
against you, being above av-  working for them. It begins
erage or outstanding will     with their huge colorful
work for you. You will stand  signage, their manicured
out in the crowd like a rose  lawns, their beautiful flow-
amongst the thorns.           ers, and their spotlessly clean
                              and meticulously well-kept

                              facilities. When you swing

your car around to start through the conveyor belt, your car is

given an extra treatment on the front and rear to steam clean

those bugs and tar away. You are even greeted by two smiling

Mike’s employees in nothing less than shirt and tie. Can this

really be a car wash?

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