Page 107 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 107
151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers
Assignment makes it easy to do business.
How are you making it easy
Take inventory of how to conduct transactions, re-
customers want to pay you. quest service, or order in-
If you don’t have the credit ventory? Will you accept gold
cards and check guarantee dust and gold bars? Do you
service, get them today! take all the major credit
This will make it easy for cards? If you make it easy
customers to do business for the customer to buy from
with you. you, you’ll convert prospects
into customers faster than
ever before.
We are a plastic society, and trying to fight it won’t work.
Make it easy for customers to do business. Don’t create road-
blocks and sabotage yourself.
Make Them Feel Safe
Dr. Carla Morgan has pointed out that virtually any poten-
tial customer you’re going to talk to has been lied to, taken
advantage of, and probably cheated at some point in their life.
They have probably heard lots of promises that never came
true. By addressing their need for safety and security, you have
a high probability of winning over a prospect. Making them feel
safe and secure when doing business with you is an important
strategy in prospecting.