Page 112 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 112
Quick Ideas 85 to 86
The single rule for honesty in winning customers is to say
what you’ll do and do what you’ll say. Only by following this
rule will you succeed at getting new customers.
Consider Name-Dropping
We see everyone from sports greats to rock stars, and
movie idols to political celebrities, attempting to sell us all sorts
of items. The power of influence should never be overlooked in
your attempt to win customers. There is real power when well-
known people like celebrities or sports stars try to convince us
that a specific product or
service is good for us.
If you ask, many of your Assignment
existing customers will give
you a testimonial about how Ask yourself who on your
your products or services customer roster could influ-
helped them. They might ence others to come aboard.
even allow you to use their Then ask for their help in de-
photograph along with their veloping testimonials.
quote. When Oprah features
a book on her TV show, it is
guaranteed to sell a quarter of a million copies almost immedi-
ately, simply because she has so much credibility with the book-
purchasing public. Think about how you could use testimonials,
name-dropping, or perhaps a list of your existing customers to
influence others to join you. But proceed with caution, and re-
member When in Doubt, Check it Out. Be sure to get your