Page 108 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 108

Quick Ideas 81 to 82

In convincing one of his most skeptical prospects, one sales

rep found that the word “no” had a big payoff. As he commu-

nicated his desire to do business with them, he assured them

again and again that there

would be no risk because of          Assignment
his absolute, positive guaran-

tee. There would be no sell-         Get others to help you

ing, because all he wanted to analyze where potential cus-

do was point out how he tomers might feel risk, pres-

could help. There would be sure, or obligation, and

no obligation, because they design a prospecting pro-

would have the right to say gram that will overcome

no with no hard feelings and their objections.

no further pressure on his

end, and no embarrassment.

He would never put them in a situation that would be awkward

for them. And it worked, because he converted one of his most

skeptical prospects. Make your customers feel safe. Take away

the risk, manage the other issues, and watch what happens.


    Admit it or not, Dr. Morgan says that fear is ever-
present, and making people feel safe and secure is a very
basic principle to get new customers.

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