Page 129 - 30 Minute Meals Recipes Includes Easy Dinner Recipes, Healthy Dinner Ideas and Simple Recipes That Can Be Made in 30 Minutes or Less for Busy Moms, Dads \& Other Professionals! -
P. 129

learning to say “ no ”

The “Something’s Got to Give” Theory of Time

The next time someone asks you to take on a new activity . . .
The next time you find yourself starting to take over a task

     without even being asked . . .
The next time you’re tempted for any reason to take on a new

     commitment . . .

   Write the task on your commitment list and, next to it, write the
specific activity you’re going to give up to do it. Again, you need
to be honest here; the time it took you to perform the old activity
must equal the time required for the new one.

   Here are some examples:

New Activity	Old Activity
Exercise on the treadmill
(45 minutes every morning)	                45 minutes of sleep
Chair the neighborhood recycling committee	 Play with my kids on those
	 Saturday mornings
Join a book discussion group (two-hour meeting	 Watch television (three hours/
each month, ten hours to read the book)		  week)

   The first tradeoff, exercise for sleep, may not be a good deal
(although it’s one that many of us happily have made). Exercise
is surely good for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
But so is sleep. Are you getting enough? Too much? Not enough
(more likely)?

   If you decide you need the sleep, that doesn’t mean you can’t also
do the exercise. It means you have to figure out another trade.

   The second tradeoff is even more problematic. You may believe
strongly that recycling is our last best chance to save the planet.
But you also place high value on spending time with your kids,

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