Page 30 - May June 2020 TPA Journal
P. 30

him to turn off the car’s engine.  The driver,       glossy red eyes and a mild odor of an alcoholic
        Forbes, complied and produced his driver’s           beverage emitting from his breath and person. I
        license. Deputy Paige and Forbes exchanged brief     asked [Forbes] to perform some field sobriety
        pleasantries before the deputy asked, “What was      tests to determine [his] level of intoxication,
        that about?,” referring to Forbes’s acceleration.    including the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus  Test,
        Forbes responded, “I am a dumb a**.” Deputy          the One Leg Stand Test[,] and the Walk and Turn
        Paige asked Forbes a few questions about his         Test. . . .
        whereabouts that evening, and Forbes claimed he      [Forbes] refused to perform the Horizontal Gaze
        was coming from dinner at a restaurant. Given the    Nystagmus Test, the One Leg Stand Test[,] and the
        hour, Deputy Paige further inquired if Forbes was    Walk and Turn Test.
        eating dinner until 2:00 a.m. Forbes answered,       Therefore, I placed [Forbes] under arrest and
        “Pretty much, yeah.”                                 transported [him] to the police station.  At the
                                                             station, [I] offered [Forbes] an opportunity to
        Deputy Paige then asked Forbes to step out of the    provide a sample of [his] breath and/or blood and
        Corvette and stand near the trunk.  The deputy       [Forbes] declined to provide a sample. This is a
        performed a protective pat down and asked Forbes     violation of the Texas Implied Consent law and is
        how much he had had to drink that night. Forbes      also an indication to me that [Forbes] is
        did not offer an oral reply, but put his hands out as  attempting to hide evidence of [his] level of
        if offering his wrists for handcuffs. Deputy Paige   intoxication.
        asked, “That much?” Again, Forbes did not reply.
        Deputy Paige then asked, “You’re not gonna say       The magistrate judge issued a warrant for a blood
        anything?” This time, Forbes answered, “No, sir.”    draw, which was taken around 4:00 a.m., an hour
        Deputy Paige handcuffed Forbes, patted him           and a half after the traffic stop. Forbes’s blood-
        down a second time, and placed him in the patrol     alcohol content was 0.09, exceeding the legal
        car.  When the pair arrived at the Houston Police    limit of 0.08.
        Department, Deputy Paige asked Forbes to
        provide a breath or blood sample. Forbes declined.   The case against Forbes was eventually dropped,
        So Deputy Paige sought a warrant to conduct a        and Forbes brought suit against Deputy Paige and
        blood draw. The warrant affidavit, which Deputy      Harris County, asserting Fourth, Fifth, and
        Paige reviewed and signed but did not transcribe,    Fourteenth  Amendment violations under 42
        provided that:                                       U.S.C. § 1983. Forbes alleged that Deputy Paige
                                                             arrested him without probable cause and made
        [O]n July 25, 2015[,] at approximately 2:35AM,       misrepresentations to the magistrate judge to
        [I] was on patrol on 20300 Hardy  Toll Rd., a        obtain the blood-draw warrant. He also alleged
        public place and public road located in Houston,     that Harris County had a policy or custom of
        Harris County, Texas when [I] observed a white       making DWI arrests without probable cause and
        2015 Chevrolet Corvette motor vehicle weaving        was deliberately indifferent to the need for
        inside of its traffic lane. As [I] got closer to the  training.  The district court granted summary
        Corvette, [I] observed it to rapidly accelerate away  judgment against Forbes on each claim.
        from [me] so [I] conducted a traffic stop, made
        contact with the driver of the Corvette and          On appeal, Forbes challenges only the district
        identified him by his Texas Driver’s License . . . as  court’s grant of summary judgment with respect to
        Jonathan Robert Forbes. I came into contact with     Deputy Paige. He asserts that Deputy Paige (1)
        [Forbes] and noticed him to have slurred speech,     violated the Fourth Amendment when he placed

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