P. 13


                                           CHAPTER 3

                                              Song Analysis

            Tujuan pembelajaran
            Melalui proses pembelajaran Suggestion and offer, siswa dapat:

                 1. Membahasa hal – hal yang terkait dengan tema lagu
                 2. Membaca dan mencermati isi lirik lagu
                 3. Menyimak dan menirukan lrirk lagu dengan cepat
                 4. Membahas pemilihan kata tertentu terkait dengan tema lagu


            There are some definitions of songs. A song  is a short piece of music , usually with words. The words of a
            song are called lyrics. Songs can have a simple structure of one or two verses or a more cmplex one with
            multiple verses and refrains.
            The structure of a song consists of "Intro-Verse-Chorus-Verse-Chorus-Bridge-Chorus."

             1.  Intro or Introduction. Intro is an opening section of a piece of song. Intro opens a movement.
             2.  Verse. Verse is the main part of a song. It is the part of the song that tells a story. It is the longer sentences.
                 It functions to give listeners more insight leading to the main message of the song and it moves the story.
             3.  Chorus. Chorus is a part of the song that is repeated after verse. It is the part of the song that often sticks
                 to the mind of a listener because it contrasts with the verse.
             4.  Bridge. Bridge is a secondary verse which is different from the primary one. IT is usually appears once
                 or twice in a song. It should offer a reason why the final chorus needs to be repeated.

                 To understand songs, we should know the social function and themes of songs. There are also some
                 steps to understand songs.

              1.  Social function of songs

               There are many social functions of a song. They are
               a. to inspire the listeners

      express feeling of the songwriters

               c. to share feeling with others
               d. to teach a lesson to the listeners

               e. to criticize environment or a condition

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