P. 93

Numerous practitioners have examined the contribution of incorporating

                            assessment as/for/of learning into different research designs. Mutch (2012), for

                            instance, describes its benefits using a conceptual framework by describing the

                            implementation of the AaL, AfL, and AoL in New Zealand's assessment policy.

                            In addition, Schellekens et al. (2021) synthesize them to establish a culture of

                            assessment to  improve student learning. Sadeghi and Rahmati (2017), who

                            conducted a more practical study in Iranian secondary schools, discovered that

                            the integrated assessment model contributed theoretically and practically to

                            teaching, learning, and assessing writing skills. They tested the application of

                            the model in a quasi-experimental study that focused on a large-scale exam

                            preparation course in Iran. Since they administered a standardized test, PET,

                            whose  assessment  instruments  were  organized  by  an  external  organization,

                            there is still a limitation concerning research bias. Investigating the function of

                            SA  is  hampered  by  the  fact  that  the  assessment  tools  differ  from  the

                            instructional  goal  outlined  in  the  curriculum.  Nonetheless,  educational

                            practitioners in Indonesia have yet to investigate the research on the integration

                            of assessment as, for, and of learning.

                                      Therefore, this study is interested in investigating how the assessment

                            approaches  integrating  with  the  multipurpose  assessment  model  enhance

                            students' learning of EFL writing. The model is operationalized in the GBA

                            and blended learning is assisted by the model's components, such as assessment

                            instruments, scoring guidelines/rubrics, and graduation criteria. In addition, the

                            initiation  to  employ  the  model  in  the  blended  learning  assisted  by  Google

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