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Application is to respond to ongoing problems discussed previously, namely
lack of writing practices and lack of giving feedback. Visualizing the model in
the GBA learning cycle intends to assist students in constructing a text in a
step-by-step procedure. Therefore, this model will adapt the model of the text-
type learning cycle by Derewianka and Jones (2016), the integrated assessment
model by Lee (2007), and the blended learning model by So Ping et al. (2019).
The conceptual model of the MpAM is provided in Figure 6.
Figure 6. The Multipurpose Assessment Model in Blended Learning of
Argumentative Writing
This model comprises six stages divided into some phases. Firstly,
exploratory reading, viewing, and listening, in which the students accessed the
materials through the internet link provided. This stage intends to provide prior
knowledge regarding the intended topic. Then, the face-to-face instruction
which started from building knowledge of the field (BKOF) in which the
teacher explains the goal of the task and text characteristics. This stage was
dominated by the teacher explaining the characteristics of the argumentative