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The IllInoIs sIg

                                         Sigma Chi Fraternity  |  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  |  Spring 2011
                                     Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |

                                  Kappa Kappa Brother receives Significant Sig Award
         In This Issue:
      Significant Sig ...............1                 OSignificant  Newest  of  the  Board  and  Chairman  of  the  Board's  Finance
                                                                       Sig:   Facilities Committee.  Milt was honored in 1990 with
      Sigma Chi Legacy .........2                      Milt McClure, Class of  an appointment to the State University Civil Service
      Alumni News ................2                    1963.  Milt  graduated  Merit  Board.    Today,  Milt  is  the  senior  attorney  in
      From the Mailroom .......2                       with  honors  from  the  McClure, Thomas & Thomas, a law firm with roots
      From the Consul ............3                    U  of I College of Law  dating back 125 years.  Based upon evaluation by his
                                                       in  1966.    By  then,  he  peers,  as  published  in  Martindale  Hubbell,  Milt  is
      Record Pledge Class .....3                       already  was  a  CPA  -  rated AV, Preeminent - 5 out of 5.
      Scholarships on Rise .....4                      the  youngest  person  to   Milt and his wife, Suzanne, have four children.
      Fraternity Affairs ...........4                  achieve this certification  Their  example  has  instilled  in  their  children  the
      Jim Brady Spotlight ......5                      up to that time.      responsibility to give back to their community.  Milt
                                                           He  worked  briefly  turned  a  difficult  family  situation  into  a  productive
      President’s Report .........5                    for  Arthur  Anderson  charitable opportunity.   His son Matt was born with
      Directors and Officers ...6                      before  serving  in  the  severe  O.I.  (Osteogenesis  Imperfecta),  a  congenital
      Chapter Eternal .............6  Army from 1967-69.  Milt rose to rank of Captain and  bone  disorder.    With  his  dads  constant  support  and
      Correction .....................6  was honored with four medals for service in Vietnam  encouragement,  Matt  did  not  let  his  disability  keep
                               including a Bronze Star for service above and beyond  him from becoming a KK Sigma Chi ’63, where he
                               the call of duty.  After the military, Milt went into law  received his degree in finance.  But, Milt did not limit
                               practice  in  Beardstown,  IL,  the  community  which  his efforts to just his son.  He reached out to help other
                               spawned multiple generations of his family.  Working  children in need.
                               in  a  town  where  everyone  knew  Milt,  he  became   Through  considerable  and  tireless  efforts,  Milt
                               a  trusted  consultant  and  was  soon  an  expert  in  the  undertook  fund  raising  for  Shriners'  Hospital  in  St.
                               locally important and specialized field of drainage and  Louis and also sponsored many handicapped children
                               drainage laws.                                in  need  of  the  special  services  of  the  hospital.   An
                                  He has represented many clients in this field and  active member in the Masonic Lodge, Milt is a Past
                               then shared his expertise across the state by serving  Master of Cass Lodge No. 23 and was appointed Ansar
                               on the Real Estate Law Section of the state bar and  Temple's  Outer  Guard.    He  has  remained  active  in
                               the  bar's  subcommittee  on  drainage  law.    Milt  has  leadership and teaching for the First United Methodist
                               trained others in many areas of law as an author and  Church of Beardstown, and Milt is the first member of
                               lecturer.    He  served  as  Special  Assistant  Attorney  his Sigma Chi family, including his father, brother and
                               General for Illinois for Inheritance Tax Proceedings.   son, to be honored as a Significant Sig.  Milt McClure
                               He  also  served  (1982-93)  on  the  Board  of  Regents,  has emulated the principles of The Jordan Standard by
                               the  governing  body  for  three  state  universities  -  achieving  prominence,  both  in  his  professional  and
                               NIU,  ISU  and  Sangamon  State  -  as  Vice-Chairman  personal life, and has brought honor to Sigma Chi.

                                            Jim Brady, Class of 1962
                                                                                                        On November 30, 1993,
                              e  all  know  the  well-publicized  story  of  in Jim’s honor ten years ago.  Jim received   President Bill Clinton
                        Whow Jim became an Assistant to President  the honorary degree of doctor of laws from   signed into law the
                        Ronald  Reagan  and  the  White  House  Press  McKendree  College,  Lebanon,  Illinois,   "Brady Handgun Violence
                        Secretary.  We also know that after nearly being  in 1982.  In 1993, Jim and Sarah were each   Protection Act", also
                        killed  and  becoming  permanently  disabled  he  awarded a doctorate degree by Drexel University.     known as the "Brady Bill".
                        has become an ardent supporter of gun control.    Jim  received  the  Presidential  Medal   Since that time, dangerous
                            But  how  many  know  that  this  one  time  of  Freedom  from  President  Bill  Clinton  in   people have been stopped
                        Eagle Scout from Centralia and Consul of our  1996, the highest civilian award in the U.S.    from buying guns an
                                                                                                       estimated 2 million times.
     Sigma Chi chapter also served as a faculty member at SIU? He also had  Whenever  you  now  watch  a  presidential   President Bill Clinton once
     had a brief yet successful private sector career in sales, advertising and  press  briefing  from  the  White  House,  note   summed up the public
     public relations. Jim following, held a variety of public sector positions  that  it  is  held  in  the  James  S.  Brady  Press   service of Jim and Sarah
     including Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, and  Briefing  Room  (so  designated  since  2000).    Brady this way: "...How
     Press Secretary to presidential candidate John Connally before joining  Biographies  have  been  published  of  Jim's   many people are alive
     forces with Reagan.                                         life and career, including “Thumbs Up!” and   today because of Jim and
        For all his continued effforts to support gun control, the Handgun  “Without Warning: the James Brady Story”,   Sarah Brady? How many?
     Control  Incorporated  was  renamed  the  Brady  Campaign/Brady  Center  starring Beau Bridges.        Countless."
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