Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2011
P. 4
News aNd Notes
Scholarship and Campus Involvement on Rise at Kappa Kappa
ast semester Kappa Kappa had another great semester in terms and test preps that previous brothers have made and also contains a
Lof scholarship. The chapter finished off the semester with a 3.15 simple form to use to find a tutor. Several brothers are now taking
average GPA which was above the Interfraternity Council average GPA advantage of this program and it has made a positive impact on the
of 3.10. The Kappa Kappa average was also above the University all chapter's GPA.
men's average GPA of 3.05. One of the big concerns that parents have Kappa Kappa brothers have also been involved outside the
is that their sons GPA will suffer due to being in a fraternity, but I think classroom in both the Interfraternity Council and other registered
the scholarship results at Kappa Kappa show that the opposite is true. student organizations. Seven brothers were on the executive board
The 2014 pledge class finished with an average GPA of 3.04, making of Illini Dance Marathon, a common philanthropy event that is just
them the second fall pledge class in a row to have above a 3.0 average. starting at the University of Illinois. These brothers worked to organize
This has been very rare in recent pledge classes and can be attributed to and event which raised over $10,000 for Children's Miracle Network
the hard work of Scholarship Chairs George Udumula '12 and Chris in one night.
Adams '13. One brother, Tim Veldman '13, was recently elected to the
The two scholarship chairs not only ran regular study hours at executive board of the Interfraternity Council as Vice President of
the new Business Instructional Facility, but also coordinated several Membership Development. There are four brothers who are Kolusis
scholarship programs including resume critiques and a scholarship monitors for the Interfraternity Council. Kolusis is the branch of the
dinner in which brothers invited university faculty and staff over for a Interfraternity Council in charge of monitoring that all social events
steak dinner. The Kappa Kappa Faculty Advisor, Mike Raycraft, was adhere to IFC rules and regulations. Being a Kolusis monitor often
also present to speak to the other faculty about Kappa Kappa and his leads to increased involvement in IFC and is a great way to meet
experience in the Greek system. members of the Greek system in other chapters.
The Kappa Kappa Fisher Scholar, Matt Briskin '09, also worked There are many other organizations that Kappa Kappa brothers are
hard to implement new ideas into the scholarship program. The chapter involved in as well such as Student Alumni Ambassadors, Illini Pride,
has always had a program to reimburse brothers for who want to use and various honors societies and business fraternities. The brothers
tutors, but the program has been very underutilized. Matt has set up a of Kappa Kappa continue to work hard in and out of the classroom and
scholarship website which allows brothers to easily access study guides continue to be leaders on campus.
Update on Fraternity affairs
Chapter Officers Spring '11 his semester has gotten off to a very eventful start for our Chapter,
Tbeginning with our recent initiation of 29 new members. The 2014
Consul Kevin Pinkos ’12 Ritual Dave Hernandez ’11 pledge class was the largest in over a decade, and we are proud of the
Pro Consul Ryan Johnson ’12 Ritual George Udumula ’12 hard work of our ritual chairs to make this I-week possible. We also
are thrilled to have had great house participation in the annual Dance
Quaestor Chris Adams ’13 Ritual Mike Ornelas ’12.5 Marathon charity event, whose proceeds are donated to the Children’s
Annotator Mike Enders ’ 13 Ritual Josh Sergent ’13 miracle network.
Our social calendar for the spring semester is highlighted by our
Magister Jake Forby ’13 Rush Mike Kniery ’11
formal, which will take place in Chicago the weekend of May 7th. We
House Mgr. Josh Sergent ’13 Rush Jimmy Martin ’13 are lucky enough to have access to rooftop tickets for the Cubs game
Steward Drew Suddreth ’12 Rush Rob Christenson ’13 that weekend, and we traditionally treat our dates to some fine cuisine
after the game. One of our brothers has also been planning an alumni
Scholarship Tim Veldman ’13 Rush Larry Newquist ’12 golf outing on June 11th, giving Kappa Kappa Sigs a chance to catch
Scholarship Mike Ornelas ’12.5 Social Andrew Cochrane ’12 up and meet some of our active brothers. If anybody is interested in
participating in the event, you can contact Brother Rob Christenson
Risk Mgr. Tim Veldman ’13 Social Taylor Robinson ’ 12
’13 at As the season begins to turn, we
are excited to finally set up our volleyball court and enjoy the warm
Brothers that Obtained a 3.0 GPA spring weather.
Jeremy Allen Scott Dettro Robert Merlo
Nicholas Avino John Etchingham Thomas Nicholson
Michael Bellah Thomas Filkin Holden Orler
Ryan Black Kris Friedlein Joseph Perozzi
Kevin Campbell Steven Hollon William Renwick
Charles Carbonel Thomas Jackson Andrew Scott
Anthony Chignoli Adam Kruse Timothy Stringer
Brad Cole Eric Kudla Brooks Tryon
Sean Coyle Brett Madden Michael Uhlarik
4 Kevin Dailey Michael McQuillen