Page 3 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2011
P. 3

Chapter News

             From the Consul                        Kappa Kappa initiates record pledge class
                                                          and on track to do same in Spring
                              e   are   quickly
                        Wapproaching        the      n  February  5th,  we  welcomed  29  new  brothers  into  the  Kappa  Kappa  Chapter.
                        halfway  point  for  this   OThe week was treated with the utmost solemnity, and gave the brothers another
                        semester and I am proud to   opportunity to relive their experience, while leading the candidates through their own
                        say that the state of affairs   personal  journey  to  becoming  men  of  the White  Cross. As  we  all  know,  the  path  to
                        here  at  Kappa  Kappa   initiation tests the candidates in order to fully understand the meaning of being a true
                        is  very  well.    I  am  very   Sigma Chi, and our new brothers were ready for the challenge thanks to the amazing
                        excited to have taken over   dedication and preparation from Brother Larry Newquist ’12, their Magister. It was a
                        this office at such a positive   special treat to see a great amount of alumni, recent graduates, and brothers from other
                        time  at  this  chapter,  as   chapters  in  attendance  at  the  ceremonies.  Several  fathers,  brothers,  and  close  friends
     my  predecessor,  Andrew  Cochrane  ‘12,  did  an   were present to pin their new brother with the Badge of the Fraternity. I would like to
     excellent job of setting this chapter up to succeed.    give a note of personal thanks to my fellow Ritual Chairman, George Udumula ’12,
     Our recent transition to new leadership went very   Michael Ornelais ’12.5 and Joshua Sergent ’13, for putting forth their full devotion into
     smooth,  as  two  new  sophomores,  Josh  Sergeant   the beauty of the Sigma Chi Ritual, and dedicating themselves to organizing a flawless
     ‘13  and  Chris  Adams  ‘13,  took  on  the  roles  of   Indoctrination.
     House Manager and Quaestor.  The undergrads are   After a very successful rush, we are pleased to have 12 new pledges for this spring.
     very optimistic as we wait to see the good these two   The combination of hard work from our rush chairs, as well as excellent participation
     young members can do for Kappa Kappa.       from the entire undergrad chapter made this spring rush the best in recent years. The new
        We initiated a record sized pledge class this past   class consists of 11 freshmen and one sophomore, and is lead by newly elected magister
     February, with 29 members of the 2014 pledge class   Jake Forby ‘13. The pledges recently had the opportunity to participate in Alpha Phi’s
     joining us as active members of Sigma Chi.  Each   philanthropy event, “King of Hearts.” The pledges performed a number of dances and
     one  proved  themselves  worthy  of  the  lofty  ideals   even sang a song for the event, whose proceeds are donated to cardiac cancer research.
     of  the  White  Cross  during  their  pledgeship  and   Brother Forby is also encouraging the pledges to get involved in a student organization
     the undergrads are all extremely proud of our new   outside of the fraternity in an effort to get them involved in the community, and help build
     members.   We can rest assured that the house will   their resume for the future.
     be in good hands well into the future.          We are proud to have a diverse pledge class, highlighted by the pledge class president
        This  semester  we  are  seeing  numerous   originally from Mexico City. Thus far the pledges have been handling their responsibilities
     members branch out into outside organizations. We   very well, and have been taking the lessons of the White Cross very seriously. In just a
     have six members who are actively involved with   couple of weeks, a couple of brothers are traveling with the pledges to stay a weekend at
     the Interfraternity Council and one, Tim Veldman   the Sigma Chi chapter house at Butler for a brotherhood event. We are trying to show the
     ’13, who is a member of the executive board.  We   nationwide bond that we have as Sigs, and show that our brotherhood radiates through our
     also  have  two  members  who  are  part  of  Business   ideals of friendship, justice and learning. In addition, we are sending a message that the
     Fraternities  and  numerous  others  involved  in   bond is reciprocal from chapter to chapter regardless of location or size. After getting to
     engineering  and  finance  student  organizations.    know many of these pledges over the past month or so, we are very confident they possess
     Another of our members, Robert Gehm ’12, served   the qualities we strive to maintain in Sigma Chi and look forward to their initiation.
     as president for Dance Marathon; a rapidly growing
     student  run  philanthropy  that  raises  money  for
     Children’s Miracle Network.
        Kappa Kappa Chapter has also never been so
     sound financially.  We now have 120 dues paying
     members on campus and 67 of those members live
     in  the  chapter  house  itself.   We  have  managed  to
     resolve all of the issues that arose with our financial
     problems  from  two  summers  ago  and  have  been
     working closely with our new property manager to
     ensure the long term stability of Kappa Kappa.
        I look forward to the remainder of this semester
     and  believe  the  undergrads  here  at  Kappa  Kappa
     have nowhere to go but up.  I will do my best to
     ensure  that  Kappa  Kappa  remains  the  preeminent
     Fraternity here at Illinois.  With the help of those
     values of which we all strive to achieve I know that
     this group of undergrads will only continue to grow
     as men and strengthen those bonds that keep us all
     tied so closely together.

     Kevin Pinkos ‘12                                                                                                   3
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