Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2011
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Alumni news
The Prichard Family, Robert Barrett ’56
a Sigma Chi Legacy Robert retired at age 75 a year ago. He keeps busy writing little
remembrances from the past, Sigma Chi at Illinois included. Hello to
all the gang- what's left of them. The Illinois Sig certainly improved
By Gordon Cole ’79
since my day as editor. Keep it coming.
hirty-five years ago,
TI had the honor and Samuel Gore ’58
privilege of being initiated "The rumors of my demise as you can tell have been greatly
into the Kappa Kappa exaggerated". Mark Twain Sam is getting ready for his senior tennis
Chapter of Sigma Chi. I circuit, this will be the 50th year. Feeling great at 74 years young, even
was the seventh member of though he was formally reported as deceased. Sam was the editor of
the family to be so honored. the Illinois Sig, English Major, Fraternity Publication award winner for
Our numbers are now at 11 two years. His son-in-law was president at house at Vanderbilt. He is
Sigs, including eight Kappa still married to Kappa Kappa Gamma gal, known her for 52 years.
Kappas: Merrill “Boz”
Prichard ’48, Harold James Reed ’67
“Snub” Prichard ’50, and James was recently elected to be a charter member of the Parkland
Don “Gimp” Prichard ’53 College Athletic Hall of Fame as a coach and athletic director. He and
Gordon H Cole ’79, and his newly initiated son, (Chapter Eternal), sons of his wife, Marcia, have 2 children and now 5 grandchildren, all living in
Bradley Gordon Cole ’14 appear just after the Ann B. “Gram” Prichard; the Champaign area. Life is good as a retired grandfather.
initiation. Gordy and Brad are part of the Prichard David Prichard ’75, son of
clan. Boz ’48 and his two brothers are Sigs, as is Harold; Jeff Conrad ’76; Michael Kaminski ’69
David Prichard ’75, Jeff Conrad ’76.
Lee Prichard ’79, son of Michael continues to practice Neurology in Nashville, TN and focus
Don; Gordon Cole ’79; Gary Prichard ’81, Illinois Wesleyan, son of much of time with patient safety, and practice improvement. His
Don; Chris Conrad ’05, Purdue and Jonathan Conrad ’07, Purdue, daughter, Katie, is living in Stockholm and expecting their second
sons of Jeff; and Brad Cole ’14, son of Gordon. It started with Boz granddaughter in April 2011.
Prichard and his two brothers and has carried forward into a third
generation. Gram Prichard would be proud of the continuing tradition David Powers ’72
and commitment. David has been retired since 2004. He spends a lot of time at his health
Recently, I had an even greater honor – that of seeing my son club, church, library, and attends high school sports events and plays.
Brad initiated into Kappa Kappa. It was truly an incredible and He reads probably on average of two books per week. Retirement is
humbling experience. I was fortunate to be able to spend time at 98% cool.
the house throughout the significant portions of the final process. It
brought back some great memories. I also had the pleasure of spending Robert Hobart ’94
some time with many of the brothers and was very impressed with He and Amy are expecting twins! Congratulations!
their involvement and hospitality. The brothers, and especially the
leadership, need to be commended on their dedication to the continued John Corradetti ’07
success of Sigma Chi at U of I. John began a new job in Bollingbrook at a specialty concrete
A couple of my pledge class brothers, Gary Erb ’79, and Dave construction company as a project manager.
Fewkes ’79, also shared this experience in recent years. They
forewarned me of the tremendous emotions that this would generate,
but when it came down to it, I was not prepared. I literally had tears in From the Mailroom
my eyes when I placed the pin on Brad. It was a very proud moment
for me and one that will be with me always. I wrote a couple of months ago that my dear husband, Jim,
passed away on February 20, 2011. We have enjoyed having
your notices...thank you for them all. It was a delight visiting
your fraternity house when we came to one of the enjoyable
reunions. Thank you for all your kindness.
Candace Hastings
Thanks for the note in the last Illinois Sig, but I would like
to make a couple of corrections. The Steger in my age group
is All-American Russell W. Steger ’50. He started his three-
generation Sig family. Also my Indiana student grandson was a
senior (now a graduate).
The four fathers and their newly initiated legacy sons are shown: Eric L. Meyer ’85, his Boz Prichard ’48
son Macklin C. Meyer; Gordy Cole ’79 and his son, Brad; David L. Filkin ’85, and
2 his son Tommy W. Filkin; and Gregory J. Dettro ’81, and his son, Scott A. Dettro.