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P. 5

Reagan spokesman Jim Brady presses
                        Obama on guns                                  President’s Report - April, 2011

         By JIM ABRAMS | Published: 2:52 PM 03/30/2011 | Updated: 10:50 PM 03/30/2011    By Eric W. Rahn ‘75

     WASHINGTON (AP) — Jim Brady, President Ronald Reagan’s smooth-talking                    s  we  move  toward  the  close
     press secretary, hasn’t stopped speaking his mind, forcefully and poignantly. He     Aof     the   2010-2011   school
     made that clear from the Capitol to the White House on the 30th anniversary of       year, we reflect on the status of the
     the assassination attempt that paralyzed him.                                        undergraduate  chapter  as  well  as
                                             “I  wouldn’t  be  here  in  this             Kappa  Kappa  Corporation.    Two
                                          damn  wheelchair  if  we  had                   things immediately come to mind –
                                          commonsense     legislation,”                   the undergraduate chapter continues
                                          Brady  said  Wednesday  at  a                   to  enjoy  success  on  campus  and
                                          Capitol  Hill  news  conference,                Kappa Kappa Corporation continues
                                          joined  by  his  wife,  Sarah,  and             to provide strong advice and guidance
                                          lawmakers  in  calling  for  gun                to   the   undergraduate   chapter.
                                          control  legislation.  The  Bradys              Further, we have made a great deal of
                                          head  the  Brady  Campaign  to   progress in our alumni communications program.
                                          Prevent Gun Violence.           For the past two years in particular, we have encouraged
                                             “Fight  fiercely,”  Brady,  70,   the undergrads to focus heavily on scholarship, rushing and
                                          told the audience.           their pledge program.  As noted elsewhere in this issue, the
                                             Later   Wednesday    he   fall scholarship results were excellent and more important,
                                          delivered  a  similar  message  at   the pledge class excelled for the second fall semester in a row.
     Former  White  House  press  secretary  James  Brady,
     center,  who  was  left  paralyzed  in  the  Reagan   the  White  House  after  meeting   Hopefully, this is the new tradition!  The fall class brought
     assassination  attempt,  gestures  during  a  news   with  President  Barack  Obama,   29 new into the brotherhood at the February initiation.  We
     conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday,   who has taken a cautious stance   welcome these new brothers with open arms – they are the
     march 30, 2011, marking the 30th anniversary of the   on  gun  control.  The  president   future of the Chapter.
     shooting. From left are, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J.,   has declined to endorse some of   I  am  also  pleased  to  report  we  continue  to  be  blessed
     Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke, Brady, and
     his wife Sarah Brady. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)  the  legislation  supported  by  the   with  outstanding  undergraduate  chapter  leadership.    The
                                          Bradys.                      undergraduate officers have dedicated themselves to making
        The Bradys said Obama expressed agreement with their goals but said that   Kappa Kappa Chapter the best it can be and as the reports from
     he’s learned since coming to Washington that things take time.    the undergraduates indicate, they are having an outstanding year.
        “It takes two years to make Minute Rice,” Brady said he told Obama about   Our alumni support this year is approaching the levels
     the pace of progress in Washington.                               we experienced before the economy hit the skids in the fall of
        The gunman, John Hinckley Jr., shot Brady in the head during the attack on   2008.  Our goal was to get to $20,000 in our Annual Program
     Reagan outside a Washington hotel in 1981.                        contributions.  We are well past that number due the incredible
        Hinckley,  who  said  he  was  trying  to  impress  actress  Jodie  Foster,  also   support  of  the  Kappa  Kappa  alumni.    I  wish  to  personally
     wounded  a  Secret  Service  agent  and  a  District  of  Columbia  police  officer.   thank all of you who have made this a very successful year!
     Hinckley was declared mentally incompetent and consigned to a Washington   As I previously reported, last fall we elected a new Board
     mental institution where he remains today, with family visiting rights.  of Directors which includes a number of younger alums.  We
        Asked what he remembers about that day, Brady said: “Not being the same   continue to seek interested alumni to serve on Kappa Kappa’s
     person that I was. I used to be a track runner. No more. But I am not going to   board.    If  any  of  you  are  interested,  we  would  welcome
     run away from this.”                                              your participation.  Kappa Kappa has a rich and wonderful
        The Bradys were joined on Capitol Hill by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J.,   tradition of success – both at the undergraduate level and with
     and  Rep.  Carolyn  McCarthy,  D-N.Y.,  who  have  introduced  bills  to  ban  the   our alumni.  We have been blessed with dedicated volunteers
     kinds  of  large-capacity  assault  clips  used  in  the  January  attack  in  Tucson,   and generous alums.  I am confident the chapter will honor
     Ariz., that killed six and wounded 13, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who’s   this tradition with continued dedication and success!
     recuperating from a bullet to the brain.
        Obama has not endorsed that legislation, although he was once an outspoken
     supporter of the now-defunct ban on assault weapons that expired in 2004 after
     Congress failed to renew it. Obama has tempered his language on guns since   Learn how important introduced legislation can
     becoming president, adopting a stance that acknowledges the political reality   make almost 100% of gifts towards renovation
     that supporting gun control measures can hurt Democrats at the ballot box. The   and/or construction of fraternity and sorority
     president called earlier this month for a new national conversation on gun safety   houses tax deductible.
     in the wake of Giffords’ shooting, but it’s not clear what if anything will come
     of it.                                                                   Senate:  S. 705            House:  HR 1327
        Brady wore a blue bracelet Wednesday with Giffords’ name on it and told
     reporters at the White House that he showed it to the President.       Then call your U.S. State Senator and U.S.
        “There were so many similarities to mine that it hurt a lot,” he said of the   Represenative to show your support.
     congresswoman’s shooting. Brady spoke to reporters in the White House press   To find your Senators and Representative,
     briefing room, which is named in his honor the James S. Brady Press Briefing         please visit:
     Associated Press writer Erica Werner contributed to this report.              findyourreps.xpd?state              5
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