Page 1 - The Beacon - Pi Lambda Phi MIT - Fall 2018
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THE  BEACON                                 THE NEWSLETTER OF 450 BEACON STREET, INC.

                                                             MASS THETA CHAPTER OF PI LAMBDA PHI

       A LETTER FROM CHAPTER ADVISOR        There’s a lot to be said about this year’s rush.
                JIM BRICKER ’70             We rushed one of the most social classes we’ve   GET TO KNOW OUR NEW PLEDGES!
                                            seen in some time, and were able to use the   READ MORE OF THEIR BIOS ON PAGES 4 & 5
                                            experience  to  draw  in  many  new  friends  of
                                            the house (known as “rush girls”). However, we
                                            struggled to close some potential new mem-
       Next month, I will be ending my tenure as   bers, and as a result this pledge class is quite
       chapter advisor. I accepted the chapter ad-  small—just 10 pledges. However, we’re making
       visor challenge as a two-year assignment   the most of this situation, determined to capi-
       in December 2015, but have continued   talize upon the chance to expand Pilam’s social
       throughout  a  third  year  (2016,  2017,  and   presence;  this is  also  a learning  experience,
       2018) mostly because of my work managing   helping us to improve for next year.
       the house improvement projects, which be-
       gan in 2017. That work is now almost com-  Many fraternities at MIT have increasingly had
       plete, and you can read more about it in my   problems rushing classes of a desired size. We
       article on page 2.
                                            are  determined to not  let this happen to  Pi   MICHAEL MANDANAS ’22
                                            Lambda Phi. Apparently, as a result of recent
       As I said when I began my stint as chapter ad-  renovations in several dorms, and an amelio-  HOMETOWN:
       visor, I believe in our motto, “Not Four Years,   ration of overcrowding problems in the past   Edmond, Oklahoma
       But A Lifetime.” So I won’t be a stranger at   few years, freshmen are more interested in
       Pi Lam just because I’m ending this advisory   living in dorms, and less interested in living in   MAJOR(S):
       term. I will continue to be active with the   fraternities.  However,  we  believe  that  living   20 (Bioengineering)
       House Corporation as before, and will likely   in Pilam carries many advantages over living   FUN FACT:
       accept a role assisting an undergraduate of-  in dormitories, including location, price, and   I’m a burgeoning magician with a
       ficer, possibly with rush, for example.
                                            homeliness. We have been brainstorming ideas   penchang for the performing arts. I
                                            for high-impact, low-cost renovations that will   also enjoy dancing and pipetting
       Looking back on these three years, I am   make the house a more attractive place to live,   and seek to be a friend to all I meet.
       hopeful that I have made a positive impact   such as painting bedrooms and improving over-
       on the brothers and on the workings of the   all house cleanliness. Finally, as fewer freshmen   freshmen. Future Rush Chair Tom Benavides ’21
       fraternity. I can say for certain that I spent   have been pursuing fraternities, rush has grown   will be responsible for ensuring that Pi Lambda
       many hundreds of hours devoted to the fra-  more competitive between fraternities, as dif-  Phi continues to tactically outmaneuver other
       ternity, both from afar and on site, and can   ferent organizations compete for the same   fraternities during rush, and we are all working
       proudly say that I have gotten to know vir-                                 to craft a more cohesive message to tell fresh-
       tually all of the brothers, and they know me.                               men why we are the best fraternity to join.
       I’ve also met the incoming freshman pledge
       class,  though  I have  not  gotten to  know                                                    [continued on page 4]
       them yet. I attended many brotherhood
       meetings, including election meetings; par-                                   HOMETOWN:           MAJOR(S):
       ticipated in a Pi Lam International Training                               Santa Ana, California  6–2 (EECS)
       Session with several of the brothers; worked
       alongside the brothers during work weeks;
       worked with them organizing and running                                                 FUN FACT:
       Alumni Reunions; and did many, many drop-                                  I love trying new things, and college is the
       by visits to inspect progress and listen to the                            place to do it. From driving to New York to
       brothers about whatever was on their minds.                               performing in a talent show, pledging Pilam
                                                       KEVIN NGUYEN ’22               has been an exciting adventure.
                          [continued on page 2]

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