Page 2 - The Beacon - Pi Lambda Phi MIT - Fall 2018
P. 2


      As you probably know, there has been a lot of   curtains and hooks, and installed cabinets and
      work going on at the house recently, utilizing   new toilet paper and paper towel holders in
      the funds raised from alumni last year.  the bathrooms, as well as completely rebuilt
                                            the bathroom stalls; repaired the bathroom
      The refinished chapter room table is one of   exhaust system and various sinks, including
      many improvements that have been made.   the bar sink; replaced a clothes dryer and re-
      The list is seemingly endless. The contractor   paired  the  dryer  exhaust  system;  upgraded
      we hired has been working at the house two or   the game room; reorganized the tool room;   The refinished chapter room table.
      three days a week, on average, for over a year   repaired/replaced various lights and lighting
      now, completing a long list of projects—as well   fixtures; installed new bike racks; replaced the   There are still some minor projects to be done,
      as devoting some of his time to emergency re-  door entry locks and secured all outside entry   but we’re nearing the finish line.
      pairs as the necessity arises.        doors; installed a camera-based security sys-
                                            tem; replaced worn-out sofas and other furni-  Again, we thank our alumni who generously
      We have done many things, such as: upgraded   ture; installed new lighting in many individual   participated in last year’s fundraising cam-
      the heating system; adjusted the radiators and   bedrooms; replaced the floor in the pantry;   paign, without which none of this work could
      installed thermometers; repaired the windows   replaced common area trash cans; hung a per-  have happened.
      (which has been a mammoth task); repaired   manent projection screen holder and bought
      or replaced many doors, especially fire doors,   a rolling projector stand for the chapter room;    —Jim Bricker ’70
      to bring them up to code; replaced all the toi-  and resurfaced the dining room table in addi-      Chapter Advisor
      lets,  shower  heads,  shower  rods and  shower   tion to resurfacing the chapter room table.

                                                                                   UPDATE FROM THE REX
       farewell, not goodbye       [continued from page 1]
                                                                                   As we come to the close of another semester,
       Thinking about my time as chapter advisor, I   Meetings) while maintaining the au-  and as I near the end of my term as rex of this
       am hopeful that I have imparted on the un-  tonomy that is central to being an in-  fraternity, I’d like to reflect on how Pilam has
       dergraduates some, if not all, of the follow-  dependent living group       changed over the course of the past year.
       ing attitudes and skills:               u How to welcome and show off the
         u How to set and achieve a lofty goal   house to alumni, parents, MIT admin-  A particular goal I’ve had has been to increase
         (like raising $100,000 from alumni for   istration representatives and other   the feeling of brotherhood amongst the mem-
         the fraternity, even though the previ-  visitors on planned occasions as well as   bers of this fraternity, which some brothers
         ous record high was about $7,000), de-  random drop-bys                   feel has declined in past years. Many of the
         spite skeptics thinking it unachievable  uHow  to maintain (and  exceed)  the   current brothers pursue a large variety of ex-
         u How to manage a significant project   minimum standard requirements of   tracurriculars, which, personally beneficial,
         (like  the  subsequent  $100,000  house   Pi Lambda Phi International in order   creates conflicts for some between their com-
         improvement project) to achieve its   to keep our status as a “Fraternity in   mitments to Pilam and their commitments to
         objectives, within budget limits      Good Standing”                      others outside of Pilam. A critical step in bol-
         u How to work with contractors to get   My time as chapter advisor has been stimu-  stering brotherhood has been to create more
         work  done  satisfactorily  while  main-  lating and rewarding for me, and I am hopeful   opportunities for brothers to be involved with
         taining  control  of  the  work  and  con-  that I have helped make Pi Lam better now   the fraternity, so that we can all spend more
         trolling expenses                  than it was three short years ago. Brian Sen-  time together. I believe we’ve all done great
         u The importance of cleanliness and   nett, Class of 2013, will succeed me as chap-  work pushing towards this goal, and you can
                                                                                   read about the re-establishment of our intra-
         good housekeeping habits           ter advisor, effective January 1st.    mural sports teams and our experimentation
         u How to define the essence of our fra-                                   with cooking as a brotherhood in The Beacon
         ternity (with an emphasis on our non-  Fraternally,                       for examples of this, on pages 4 and 3, respec-
         sectarian charter), and pursue the goal                                   tively.
         of keeping the house full while attract-
         ing members with varied backgrounds                                       Another theme of this semester has been the
         u Why—and how—to turn to alumni                                           establishment of a more productive relation-
         for assistance as necessary (as well   Jim Bricker ’70                    ship with Pi Lambda Phi International, placing
         as participate in Alumni Corporation   Chapter Advisor, 2016-2018
                                                                                                       [continued on page 4]

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