Page 5 - The Beacon - Pi Lambda Phi MIT - Fall 2018
P. 5

INTRODUCING PLEDGES                                                        THIS FALL, PI LAMBDA PHI WELCOMED
                                                                                   10 NEW PLEDGES. GET TO KNOW OUR
                                                                                        POTENTIAL NEW MEMBERS!

                 QIANTAN HONG ’21                      SHUXIN CHEN ’22                        JAHRID CLYNE ’22

                   HOMETOWN:                              HOMETOWN:                             HOMETOWN:
              Huangshi, Hubei, China                Greensboro, North Carolina              The Bronx, New York
                   MAJOR(S):                               MAJOR(S):                             MAJOR(S):
                   6–2 and 8                        10 (Chemical engineering)                  15–1 and 6–2
                (EECS and physics)
                                                           FUN FACT:                        (Management, EECS)
                    FUN FACT:                    Just another Course 10 that’s going             FUN FACT:
         I like to make music, solve differential   to be a Course 6 by the time I    I am one of eight siblings with a strong
        equations, and read books about pure           become a brother.               sense of personal independence. I
         mathematics. I like to code in pure C                                         love cooking, reading, and amassing
             or something like Haskell.
                                                                                             useless knowledge.

                                                         JAMES LIN ’22
                 MANNY FAVELA ’22                                                      AMARBOLD “PI” BYAMBAJARGAL ’22
                    HOMETOWN:                      Winchester, Massachusetts                     HOMETOWN:
                 Elmhurst, Illinois                                                         Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
                    MAJOR(S):                        18C (Mathematics and                        MAJOR(S):
                    6–3 and 8                          computer science)                         6–2 (EECS)
           (Computer science and physics)
                                                           FUN FACT:                             FUN FACT:
                    FUN FACT:                   I’m a massive Boston sports fan and     I am from Mongolia. I love to play
            I can microwave minute-ready          love baseball statistics. I’ve also     Dota 2, CS: GO, PUBG, and more.  Also,
          popcorn in 57 seconds. I love trying    picked up guitar and dance over       I used to play a bit of ping-pong
                   new things.                       the past year and a half.                  and basketball.

                                                                                                  NOVEMBER 2018   u   5
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