Page 4 - The Beacon - Pi Lambda Phi MIT - Fall 2018
P. 4

PI LAMBDA PHI:                        new pledge class
      BACK ON THE COURTS                    [continued from page 1]

                                            While rush had both ups and downs, we have
      After a long hiatus, Pi Lambda Phi has revived   only the highest of expectations for this year’s
      its athletics program, and is now competing   pledge class. As always, this class is very di-
      in  intramural  dodge  ball  and  basketball.  This   verse—hailing from as far as Mongolia and Chi-
      marks the first time we have participated   na—and pursuing majors ranging from man-
      in the program since spring 2016, when we   agement to bioengineering. However, if there’s
      stopped competing due to lack of brother in-  one defining characteristic, it’s that this class is
      terest. However, our latest athletic endeavors   significantly more extroverted than some pre-
      have proven to be a success, both in terms of   vious classes, and this has had significant im-
      our results and the bonding experience this   pact in bringing new faces to our social events.   DONALD LIU ’22
      brings for brothers and pledges.      Needless to say, it bodes well for next year’s
                                            rush, and it even appears likely that we will be   HOMETOWN:   MAJOR(S):
      Our dodge ball team is—at the time of writ-  having a spring rush in the upcoming year.  Oakland, California  6–2 (EECS)
      ing this article—undefeated, and has now
      qualified for the playoffs. Our team’s great-  Finally, we’d like to thank all of the alumni who   FUN FACT:
      est threat was our most recent match against   have assisted the undergraduates in preparing   I have an abnormally big appetite
      Maseeh. Down 0-2, in a best-of-five set, our   for rush. In particular, we would like to thank   for my size. I try to balance that
      defeat seemed imminent. However, just as the   Sammy Khalifa ’12, alumni rush chair liaison, for    out by trying all kinds of physical
      third and possibly final round was to begin, Josh   his guidance over the course of the past year. I    activities.
      Xiong ’19 appeared, ready to change the tide   hope all of you will have a chance to meet our
      of war. With Josh carrying our team on a new   newest  future  brothers  one  day.  We’re  very
      path towards victory, we were able to stage a   proud to welcome them into the brotherhood.
      comeback,  maintain  our  undefeated  record,
      and qualify for the playoffs.                                —Leon Cheng ’20
                                                                        Rush Chair
      While our results have not been as strong in
      the area of basketball, the experience has   HOMETOWN:
      proven especially valuable in other ways. Our   Edison, New Jersey  FUN FACT:
      basketball team has yet to take a win, but   MAJOR(S):     I want to sell out
      each game has come down to the closing mo-  6–3 and 8       and become
      ments, with our team fighting until the last   (Computer science   a quant. Please
      second. Pledges, including Manny Favela ’22,   and physics)   help me.
      play alongside brothers on this team, provid-                                           KEVIN YANG ’22
      ing more opportunities to help them establish
      connections with the brotherhood. Xinyu Lin,  rex update  [continued from page 2]

      a significant potential target for the upcoming   our chapter back in compliance with Interna-  spring. We’ve made changes to the pledge pro-
      spring rush, has even been playing.   tional’s standards for us. We sent delegates to   gram to promote strong relationships between
                                            a rush training conference in September, and   bigs and littles, with bigs looking out for their
      Despite the records our teams hold being very   these delegates came back with useful advice   littles so that no pledge feels disconnected.
      different,  the experience for anybody who   on how to portray our chapter to freshmen.   The  strategy  seems  to  be  working,  and  our
      shows up to compete is the same. Each match   We’ve also organized a fundraiser for the Inter-  pledges are already involved throughout our
      has been an opportunity to be competitive,   national’s philanthropy mission, the Elimina-  chapter’s operations.
      get in an intense cardio workout, and bond as   tion of Prejudice Foundation, which works to
      a brotherhood—all of which the brothers take   educate college students towards eliminating   Lastly, I’d like to thank my fellow undergradu-
      full advantage of. In dodge ball, our eyes are set   bigotry and promoting compassion.  ates for the privilege of being a part of this
      on the trophy, and we look forward to compet-                                fraternity. Pilam has defined my college expe-
      ing in intramural sports again next semester.  While  our  current  pledge  class  is  very  small,   rience, introducing me to an amazing group of
                                            we’ve worked diligently this semester to en-  people, and I’m honored to have led them for
                         —Aaron Fleischer ’21  sure that this pledge class will have an outsize   the past year. We will be electing officers for
                              Athletics Chair  impact on this fraternity. They are a particular-  the coming year in early December, and I wish
                                            ly social class, and so we’ve encouraged them   my successor the best.
                                            all to bring friends to the house and look out
                                            for people who we may want to rush in the              —Jamie Bloxham ’19, Rex

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