Page 2 - Rho Chronicle - Fall 2018
P. 2

Our Scholarship Winners

        By Bruce Boylan ’63                     Ed Dalton ’60: This award was given   Steve Cuff ’53: This award was won by
                                             to Anthony Lanza ’19.                Joseph Vitiello ’19.
           On Sunday, February 11, Rho Chapter
        of  Delta  Tau  Delta’s  Alumni  Scholarship   Dave Bencze ’70: This award was split   Larry Babbio ’66: This award was split
        Committee members Bruce Boylan ’63   between Paul Caplan ’18 and Alexander  five  ways  between  Luke  Castellano  ’18,
        and Tom Nathanson 74, along with Chap-  Kennedy ’19.                      Ryan Larsen ’19, Peter Misthos ’19, Dean
        ter Advisor Shahin Guity ’91, awarded   Ed Mullowney ’65:  This award is   Peluso ’19, and Robert Shea ’19 (last year’s
        seven scholarships: five at $3,000 each   based solely on the highest accumulated   LAD winner). They were within a tenth of a
        and two others split at $2,000 per recipi-  debt as reported by the Stevens Financial   point of each other for the previous year’s
        ent, for a total of $29,000.         Aid Office and was given to Luke Castel-  cumulative grade-point average.
           The Rho Delt alumni awards were
        started in 1998, with three awards at   lano ’18 for the third time.
        $1,000 each. We are currently up to seven                                         CONGRATULATIONS
        awards at $3,000 each, due to an increase                                          to all the winners!
        in donations and the growth in the endow-
        ment. To our knowledge, the only similar
        scholarship  programs  by  fraternities  are
        run by the Lodge and, recently, Sigma
        Nu. The Delt Alumni Scholarship Fund en-
        dowment is currently over $500,000, and
        over the years since its inception, we have
        awarded over $250,000.
           For more information regarding the
        scholarship program and the individual
        awards, as well as our annual golf outing,
        please visit

        This year’s winners are:

           Lee  Allan  Dowches  ’91  (LAD): This
        award typically goes to a sophomore and
        was won by Patrick Rood ’20.

           Walt Stamer ’64: This award was given       Bruce Boylan ’63 (center back), Shahin Guity ’91 (right back), and
        to Alexander Lagasca ’19.                     Tom Nathanson ’74 (front left), with several of the award winners.

        Brothers Continue to Contribute to the Community

        By Connor Murphy ’20                 to track miles, which in turn raises money  been involved in joint events with other
                                             for certain selected charities. With a large  Greek-life organizations. For example,
           The members of Delta Tau Delta Rho  number of student athletes in the Rho  the  joint  philanthropy  event Pie  a  Delt
        Chapter have recently                             Chapter, the miles logged  Squared with Delta Phi Epsilon will be
        been involved in raising                          during training or exercis-  raising money for JDRF, which is the lead-
        money for a number of                             ing throughout the day  ing global organization for funding type-1
        charities through the app                         has been very beneficial  diabetes research and our philanthropic
        Charity Miles. Some of                            in earning money for bet-  partner.  The sisters at Delta Phi Epsilon
        these  charities  included                        ter causes. The brothers of  took charge in organizing and advertising
        are Wounded Warrior                               Delta Tau Delta have been  the event, while the brothers at Delta Tau
        Project, Stand Up To Can-                         extremely dedicated to  Delta advertised as well but also volun-
        cer, ALS Association, RED,                        the idea of staying active  teered to get pied repeatedly for a good
        Ironman Foundation, and                           while  throwing  them-  cause.  The money earned during the
        many more. The brothers                           selves into such chari-  event has been donated to JDRF. The Rho
        have been extremely ef-                           table activities.       Chapter will continue to be an active part
        ficient in the use of their                          Furthermore, the Broth-  of the community and to contribute their
        active schedules in order                         ers of Delta Tau Delta have  time toward great causes in the future.

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