Page 6 - Rho Chronicle - Fall 2018
P. 6


        Although Philip Merrill ’47 passed away  invitation to tell his story and provided
        in  2015,  we  wanted  to  share  the  note  the following chronicle of his academic
        we received last year from his daughter,  career:  “I stayed at Stevens after 1958   — deceased —
        Julee, notifying us of his death:  “Philip  to receive a master’s (1960) and PhD   We regret to report the death of:
        passed away in September 2015 — at al-  (1964) in physics. As a professor at CUNY,
        most 90 years old! He loved sharing mem-  I served as research professor at the Gali-
        ories of both Stevens Tech and Delta Tau  leo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Phys-
        Delta (which he continued at WVU later).  ics in Florence, Italy, and at the University   Philip R. Merrill ’47
        As a matter of fact, I drink the occasional  of Barcelona, Spain.” Ken lives at 56-09   September 15, 2015
        glass of wine out of a crystal  DTD  wine  187  St., Flushing, NY 11365. Email him   James T. Purcell ’48
        glass from the ’50s. Best to you [Chris Cia-  at
        battone ’11] and your brothers.”                                                Frederick F. Kellogg Jr. ’50
                                             “Retired from Boeing after 30 years of serv-    June 22, 2016
        “After 20 years in the USAF,” writes James  ice,” begins David Whiteside ’66. “Bought
        H. Beardall ’56, “and 20 years launching  a condominium in Renton,  Washington,   Harold F. Soederberg ’54
        rockets from Cape Canaveral for both the  near Seattle. Been active skiing in win-   June 30, 2013
        USAF and NASA, I retired and am enjoy-  ter, golfing, hiking, and travelling. Able to
        ing Florida living.” His postal address is  join up with Delts for a week of skiing in   Bruce H. Kirk ’56
        8914 Puerto Del Rio Dr., #301, Cape Ca-  Snowbird, Utah, this winter.” David adds   November 2, 2016
        naveral, FL 32920. Email reaches him at  that he attended Alumni Weekend in 2016                  to celebrate his 50 . Catch up with him at
                                    or 15325 SW
        Kenneth Rafanelli ’58 took us up on our  155  Place, Unit H5, Renton, WA 98058.

        Introducing Our Newest Brothers

        (continued from page four)           more kids outside of the soccer team and  Delta Tau Delta Fraternity to be surround-
        Nicholas Henrich ’21                 to make good networking connections  ed by people who achieve excellence and
        My name is Nicholas Henrich, and I am   for when I start looking for internships  who look for future connections in the
        a biomedical engineering major. I am   and eventually a job. I also think joining  world. An interesting fact about me is that
        excited about being a part of Delta Tau   this fraternity will help me stay immersed  I speak two languages.
        Delta because I enjoy being surrounded   in my college community, which will ulti-
        by the brotherhood within the fraternity.   mately better my college experience.  Steven McNally ’20
        I also wanted to join Greek life going into                               My name is Steven McNally, and I am from
        college, knowing that it provides lifelong   Jacob Curtis ’21             Hackettstown,  New Jersey. I  graduated
        connections that I can utilize throughout   My name is Jacob Curtis. I am a chemical  from Hackettstown High School. I am a me-
        life. Overall, joining Delta Tau Delta has,   engineering major and part of the men’s  chanical engineering major, and I chose
        thus far, been a great choice. An interest-  soccer team at Stevens. I am joining Delta  ΔΤΔ because I like the brothers and always
        ing fact about me is that I lived in Panama   Tau Delta in order to expand my horizon  have fun when I’m at the house. An interest-
        for about three years of my life. I am also   and to meet new people. A fun fact about  ing fact about me is that I’m an only child.
        an EMT in the state of New Jersey.   me is that I can play four different instru-
        Andrew Demeter ’21
        My name is Andrew Demeter, and I am   Kevin Brito ’21                       rho chronicle
        a freshman quantitative finance major  My name is Kevin Brito, and I am a busi-  is published by the Rho Chapter
        at Steven’s Institute of Technology. I am  ness and technology major. I am from   House Corporation of Delta Tau Delta.
        from  Albany,  New York,  and  am  also  on  Tewksbury, New Jersey, and I graduated   Photographs and news items should
        the soccer team at Steven’s. I decided to  from Gill St. Bernards School. I am on the   be sent to Alumni Records Office,
        join the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity to meet  men’s soccer team at Steven’s, and I joined   Delta Tau Delta Fraternity at Stevens
                                                                                    Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 35,
                                                                                    New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0035.
   Stevens Institute of Technology   Spring 2018
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