Page 5 - Rho Chronicle - Fall 2018
P. 5
A Christmas Holiday Party for All Rho Delts!
By Nate Nathanson ’74 & Rick Roscitt ’73 were instrumental in organizing it in the who pledged the Delts at the University
beginning. Everybody helps out with of Maine. It was also the first time we had
Did you know you are always invited to whatever’s needed. someone from the National attend. He
attend a very special holiday party that hap- RR: How has the luncheon evolved said it was one of the best gatherings of
pens every year just before Christmas? Well, over the years? Delts he had ever seen.
you are, and read on as brother Tom (Nate) TN: It actually started with about eight RR: Can any Rho Delt attend, and how
Nathanson is interviewed on the luncheon of us originally. Then one year, we saw do they get on the invite list?
party by brother Rick Roscitt. Joe DeVirgilio from the class of 1973 and TN: Any Rho Delt can attend. We
RR: Nate, please tell the Rho brothers invited him. He then invited more brothers have a list of several hundred emails of
what this event is all about? from his class — you included — and then brothers and are always adding more.
TN: It’s very simple, basically. It’s just someone invited Doug Schramm from If anyone would like to be on the list or
about brothers who share a history and the class of 1971. It really snowballed from add a brother they think might not be
a legacy getting together. Many of us there. Ed Eichhorn from the class of 1969 on the list, they just need to email me at
hadn’t seen each other in a while: in some came one year and was instrumental in
cases in over 40 years! It’s always great getting brothers from that decade. RR: Anything else we need to know?
to see brothers reconnect after all the We have made a push to get brothers TN: There are some great stories com-
years that have gone by. It’s also great from the ’80s, ’90s, and through today ing out of the luncheon. We have had
to connect with the younger brothers and actually had a great turnout of the brothers come from as far away as Texas,
who are carrying on the Delt legacy. The “younger” brothers this year. Florida, Boston, and Virginia. We have one
Rho house at Stevens is a special place So, it has evolved in terms of attendance, brother who flies into Newark Airport
and part of all of us, and it’s great to get but one thing has remained constant; it’s from Minneapolis every year, comes to
together with brothers who have shared just about brothers getting together. the lunch, and flies back to Minneapolis
that experience. RR: There were many “firsts” at the the same day. That says something about
RR: When was the first time this event 2017 Rho Luncheon. Can you tell us about what his brothers mean to him. It’s a com-
was held? the firsts? fortable setting for the brothers to get
TN: Several of us were trying to figure TN: I think the greatest “first” at this together, to reminisce about old times,
that out. It has to be at least 25 or 30 years year’s luncheon was the fact that we had and to catch up on what’s happening in
ago. The class of 1974 was a very close brothers representing eight decades! Leo everybody’s life. It’s true what they say
class, and we tried to stay in touch, but Collins from the class of 1959 was in at- about how time flies, and it seems the
the usual demands of career and family tendance and had some great words to older we get, the more important and
made it difficult at times. So, a group of say about brotherhood. We also had a special it is for us to stay in touch with the
us committed to meet brother from the class people who shared our youth.
for lunch at Christmas of 2021. It was also the RR: Thanks so much on behalf of all
just to ensure we got first time we had a fa- the brothers who have attended this
together at least once a ther-son Delt presence, event over the years for keeping it going.
year. John Takakjian and when Pete Rohrbacher Here’s to dear old Delta…. See you at next
Charlie Pihokken really ’73 brought his son, December’s Rho Luncheon.
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