Page 4 - Rho Chronicle - Fall 2018
P. 4
Introducing Our Newest Brothers
Cristiano Hocken ’21 network with other Delta Tau Delta broth- ness and technology major at Stevens. I
My name is Cristiano Hocken, and I am a ers and alumni. An interesting fact about am from Mount Laurel, New Jersey, and
mechanical engineering major. I am from me is that I play the guitar and saxophone. graduated from Bishop Eustace Preparatory
New Providence, New Jersey, and was Nathan Carpenter ’21 School. I joined this fraternity because I en-
born in England. I joined Delta Tau Delta joy being around all the brothers and want-
to be surrounded by like-minded indi- My name is Nathan Carpenter. I am a me- ed to join the brotherhood. An interesting
viduals who are similar to me. I am on the chanical engineering major at Stevens fact about me is that I am an avid sailor.
men’s soccer team here at Stevens. An in- and am from Westampton, New Jersey. I Stephen Johnson ’21
teresting fact about me is that I was raised joined Delta Tau Delta because I wanted
in Brazil for a portion of my life. to join greek life, and Delta Tau Delta My name is Stephen Johnson, and I am
provided me with a great opportunity to from Oceanport, New Jersey. I am a fi-
meet new lifelong friends. Many of my nance major at Stevens Institute of Tech-
John Riordan ’21 friends on the basketball team are broth- nology. I joined Delta Tau Delta to meet
My name is John Riordan, and I am a fresh- ers, and I am excited to meet all of the new people and to make connections for
man quantitative finance major at Stevens. brothers and alumni in the future. job opportunities after school. An inter-
I am from Brigantine, New Jersey, and I de- esting fact about me is that I am on the
cided to join Delta Tau Delta Fraternity to Alec DiPietrantonio ’21 men’s soccer team at Stevens.
form a strong sense of brotherhood and to My name is Alec DiPietrantonio. I am a busi- (continued on page six)
Honor Roll of Donors Rho Chapter
House Corporation
of Delta Tau Delta
Gifts between March 29, 2017, and March 14, 2018.
Castle Club President’s Society Contributors
($500 and more) ($100–$249) Louis L. Brunetti ’70
Stephen P. Cuff ’53 James H. Beardall ’56 Chris A. Ciabattone ’11
Daniel L. Hertz Jr. ’52 John J. Bieger ’77 Glenn F. Cipriani ’81
Dwight B. Massey ’53 Robert P. Boetticher ’91 Donald E. Cordell ’49
Richard R. Roscitt ’73 Jared J. DeNigris ’99 Eric S. Cortese ’14
William Dobrzynski ’80 Robert J. Dalie ’66
Daniel C. Dragone ’96 William C. Habert ’63
Kevin R. Frei ’01 Robert D. Hills Jr. ’61
Founder’s Society Donald V. Landmann ’51 Devendra S. Manhas ’88
($250–$499) Kevin Loughran ’85 Liam P. Nobile ’94
John F. Greenip Jr. ’66 Anit G. Lulla ’93 Jesse O’Brien ’02
Saumil N. Shah ’91 George E. Murphy ’59 David R. Whiteside ’66
Richard D. Newman ’68
Richard J. Nicotera ’64
Emil G. Pavlik Jr. ’58
Kemp P. Roedema ’60
Peter E. Stamer ’61
Gary Sundstrom ’64
Richard P. Widdicombe
Page Four