Page 1 - The Cornell Delta - Winter 2018-19
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The Cornell Delt
Cornell Chapter of Delta Chi e Winter 2018-19
The Campaign for DelTa Chi
Closing in on Our Goal and Putting Our Money to Work
Greetings! On behalf of the Housing Corpora- windows while working within the historical This year, we have asked the chapter to build
tion, I would like to thank you all for partici- commission’s (Ithaca Landmark Preservation a new alumni board of trustees to round out
pating in our fundraising campaign, Securing Committee) requirements for our house. Lee the strong governance model we have had
Our Leadership for the Next 125 Years! We Berlin ’58 has spearheaded this difficult pro- in place for the house over the past 20 years,
owe particular thanks to Gene Stephens ’77 cess, and we are now in the process of sign- which will be an important complement to
and Lee Berlin ’58 for the tireless hours they ing our first contract to install a second inte- the role of the Housing Corporation. We are
have invested to lead our campaign to over rior pane of glass for the transom windows on currently looking for volunteers for this group,
$1 million in donations. We are now less than our first floor. The next segment of this project so please let us know if you have interest in
$200,000 from our goal of $1.2 million, which will address the repair and upgrade the lead- joining the conference calls this group will
seemed like an insurmountable goal when we ed glass windows in our library on the second be scheduling in the coming months. The
started our campaign almost four years ago. floor. Over the next one to two years, we an- Housing Corporation is also interested in vol-
With the holiday season upon us, we would ticipate the installation of double-pane glass unteers to join us in managing the Knoll. We
appreciate it if you could include us in your and insulation for the remaining windows in are fortunate to have a strong group of com-
charitable giving plans for the year. If you the house. Once we have completed these mitted alumni with Joe Wojcik ’89, Lee Berlin
have not had a chance to make a commit- items, we look forward to addressing our roof ’58, Russell Hernandez ’88, Bill Eaton ’61, Lee
ment to our campaign, please take a look at and some masonry projects needed to main- Reed ’71, Richard Kauders ’69, Greg Calosso
our campaign website at: tain our spectacular stone foundation. ’09, and Jeff Stulmaker ’11 on our board. Our house continues to be viewed as one of I have had the pleasure of leading this board
the strongest houses on the Cornell campus. for 10 years now, and will be looking to transi-
You can also reach out to Gene We had a very successful rush in spring 2018 tion back to a director role in the next year.
Stephens ’79, campaign co-chair, at that resulted in the second-largest frater- My sincerest thanks to the board, Dave We- or 931-358-2401, nity pledge class on campus. We believe the ber ’68, Roy Payne ’52, Dick Haggard ’58, and
Lee Berlin ’58 at or 972- strength of our chapter comes from a number Mike Nadler ’56 for all of the great insight they
257-3452, or me at of sources, including the commitment of our have provided me and the broader chapter
or 203-964-7678. alumni, as evidenced by our renovation and during my 20 years on the HC Board. I look
Since our last Delt, we have moved to priori- successful fundraising campaign over the forward to a seamless transition over the next
tize and complete the projects we presented past 10-plus years. For over 10 years, we have year to our next president, which I hope to an-
in our campaign materials, beginning with had a live-in advisor for the chapter, which nounce in the coming months.
the exterior painting of the house, which was has provided the brotherhood with an on-site On behalf of the Delta Chi Housing Corpora-
completed in the summer of 2017. Early in resource to promote strong governance and tion Board of Directors, I thank you for your
the fall of 2018, we completed an upgrade of oversight for our chapter. We are happy to an- support for our chapter. We hope your holiday
the boilers and instant hot water heaters in nounce that Matt Johann took on the role of season is a great one!
the house, which involved the installation of our live-in advisor in August of this year. Matt
two boiler units to replace the single unit that is the assistant coach for the women’s volley- In The Bond,
was in place, and replacing the two instant ball team, so we have the privilege of having
hot water heaters. We have also engaged a a true coach for our chapter who is already
local architect to help us navigate the repair producing some great results for us. In this Scott Brooks ’88
or replacement of the original windows in issue, you will see more about the great group President
the house. Our goal is to install double-pane of brothers we have in our chapter. Delta Chi Housing Corporation at Cornell
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