Page 6 - The Cornell Delta - Winter 2018-19
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Alumni Share Their News

      R. S. “Steve” Clingan ’55 writes in saying he’s   to us over the winter. He began a position as   the 2018 Delta Chi convention in Denver.” Jim
      “still at work every day. All four of my sons are   professor of practice in civil and environmen-  leaves us with one last note: “Please support
      in the business. Fifty-three years of marriage   tal  engineering,  teaching  a  design  project   the Cornell campaign—it’s important!” Send
      to Marge and going strong. I’m sorry to hear   (CEE5022). “It’s part time for three years; I’ll   your thoughts and congratulations to Jim at
      about Ed Madden and Bob Mason. I really   be on campus for three one-week periods,
      enjoyed the class of ’55 Reunion in 2015. The   plus an off-side field trip in Virginia. Between
      house looked great. I spent time with George   this, gentleman farming, dog training, and   When Adam Frank ’02 wrote to us in January,
      Coleman ’55 and we saw Don Farley ’55 at   waterfowl hunting, I am trying to work less   he was happy to report that his family relo-
      the house. Love to hear from what’s left—my   and slowly retire. The big news is that I am en-  cated to their new home in Dix Hills, Long Is-
      email is”     gaged and plan to get married in 2018 to Von-  land, over the past summer. Adam says, “This
                                            nah Weems ’81!” (  was also the first year since 2010 that we have
      “I’m glad to see the housing campaign above                                  not either been pregnant or given birth to a
      the 75 percent mark, proof of a lot of support!”   Cameron “Cam” Fish ’82  is  still  on  active   new baby—LOL!” Adam is also looking for
      writes Dick Haggard ’58. “I made many calls   duty as a chaplain in the Navy, now at Na-  experience solution engineers for Sales Force
      to brothers from the ’50s and talked with many   val Information Forces Command in Suffolk,   Financial Services—if you  are  qualified  and
      of them after 60 years! Connie (Case) and I en-  Virginia. This last August, he returned from   interested in joining one of the most innova-
      joyed time with USN Chaplain Captain Cam   three years of overseas duty on the U.S. Sev-  tive companies in the world, send him your
      Fish ’82 and his wife, Paulette, on our car trip   enth Fleet staff in Yokosuka, Japan. “My wife,   resume at!
      together from Philadelphia to upstate New   Paulette, and I moved back into our house
      York in October. Cam is now back from the   next to Old Dominion University Campus in
      West Pacific and is in Norfolk.” Get in touch   Norfolk,  Virginia,”  he  writes.  “We  attended
      with Dick at  the memorial service for my Episcopal church   Deceased
                                            at Cornell chaplain, mentor, and dear friend,
      Meredith B. “Med” Colket III ’70  retired   the Reverend J. Gurdon Brewster, in Fayette-  We regret to report the deaths of:
      from United Technologies Research Center as   ville, New York, in October 2017, along with
      a senior fellow several years ago, but is now   Dick Haggard ’58 and his bride, Connie, also   PAUL HAMMOND ’34
      supporting an AFRL FAA NASA program on   ’58. I haven’t been back to the Knoll in many,
      alternate fuels (low anthropogenic CO2) for   many years, but revisited vicariously through   CHARLES WALTER LEWIS ’35
      jet aircraft. “But most important, I have two   email exchanges with Gerry Daines ’81 and   April 22, 2010
      young grandsons who are potential Cornel-  Joe Cunningham ’81. Maybe I’ll make it back   ROBERT F. OGDEN ’37
      lians and Delta Chis!” he says. (36 Gatewood,   in 2018!” Contact Capt. Cameron Fish, CHC,   October 26, 2013
      Avon, CT 06001).
                                            USN at 1047 Bolling Ave., Norfolk, VA 23508    PAUL E. HARMON ’47
      Since his last update, Robert “Scate” Hoff   or                    December 11, 2016
      ’74 and his wife, Elaine, retired! “Still enjoying   “It’s been an interesting few years as the   CLINTON T. COOPER ’54
      life in East Grand Rapids but with lots more   faculty advisor during the re-colonization of   July 6, 2017
      time for travel, family, and projects around the   UW-Madison,” says  Jim Conway ’86.  “The   JOSEPH K. LEINBACH ’57
      house,” he says. “Traveled to New England in   colony is now a chapter, and things are go-  March 1, 2018
      June, spending  a  week in  the  Boston  area   ing well. Still working on an actual house,   FENIMORE E. COOPER ’58
      and a week at Acadia National Park. Enjoy-  but fortunately there are a good core of Delta   July 1, 2016
      ing our new RV and planning for extensive   Chi alumni from a variety of chapters in the
      travel through the Western United States   region to help. I was shocked to be named   RICHARD D. NATIELLO ’58
      in 2018.” Reach out to Scate at 860 Glad-  Delta Chi Man of the Year recently! The Wis-  March 14, 2016
      stone Dr. S, East Grand Rapids, MI 49506, or   consin  ABT  nominated  me,  and  apparently   DOUGLAS W. SWANSON JR. ’67                                                                      January 5, 2018
                                            support from the Cornell ’Alpha’ Chapter    MICHAEL C. ALLERDING ’70
      “I will be on campus more starting in January,”   helped, as I beat out some very worthy can-  October 30, 2017
      Mike Rolband ’80 announced when he wrote   didates. I am looking forward to speaking at

       The  Cornell Delt                          is published by the Cornell Chapter of Delta Chi, Inc. Photos and news items should be sent to
                                         or Alumni Records Office, Delta Chi at Cornell, P.O. Box 876,
                                                  Ithaca, NY 14851.

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