Page 2 - The Cornell Delta - Winter 2018-19
P. 2

Russell (’67) and Anne
                                                                                      Berg Educate Delta
                                                                                    Chi Brothers on Grad
      LETTER FROM THE “A”                                                             School Admissions

                                                                                    By Aneesh Agrawal ’21
                                                                                    The   brothers
                                                                                    were  very lucky
                                                                                    to have Russell
                                                                                    and Anne Berg
                                                                                    come talk about
                                                                                    the   graduate
                                                                                    school  admis-
                                                                                    sion  process.
                                                                                    Russell Berg ’67,
                                                                                    alumnus of Cor-
                                                                                    nell Delta Chi,
                                                                                    was the  dean   Russell and Anne Berg.
                                                                                    of  admissions
                                                                                    for the Harvard Graduate School of Arts
                                                                                    and Sciences. Anne Berg has worked in
                                                                                    the  admissions  office  of  many  medical
                                                                                    schools, including  Columbia  University
                                                                                    and Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
                               Brothers in front of the chapter house.
                                                                                    In attendance were  current  brothers  of
      By Joey Welsh ’21 | “A”               ics and other applications of mathematics.  Delta Chi and members of the Kappa
                                                                                    Alpha Theta Sorority. The talk was very
      Brothers,                             Along with this year’s alumni secretary, An-  informative, and we split up into a Q&A
      It is an absolute honor to serve as this year’s   eesh  Agrawal  ’21,  I  am  excited  to  provide   session with Russell answering ques-
      chapter president, and I would like to thank   alumni with more opportunities to learn about   tions about PhDs and  Anne  answering
      my fellow active members for affording me   and build relationships with our current active   about medical school.
      this amazing opportunity. In the weeks dur-  members. Through simple introductions like
      ing  which  I  have  held  the  position  so  far,  I   the one written above, we truly believe that we   Thanks  very  much  to  both  Russell  and
      have already experienced the deep and rich   can connect our active members with alumni   Anne for coming and graciously sharing
      tradition of Delta Chi, met multiple gracious   and build a network in which alumni can have   their knowledge and expertise to pro-
      alumni,  and  put  forth  great  effort  to  make   access to a database of profiles for each ac-  spective graduate and medical school
      Delta Chi a more active and vibrant home for   tive  member,  and  in  which  active  members   students!
      our members. The success we have seen so   can easily reach out to any alumnus who
      far inspires me to continue working my hard-  shares similar interests and career paths for
      est to help our chapter best excel. I look for-  advising. With the help of Aneesh, a computer   CHAPTER OFFICERS
      ward to the year ahead, in which our chapter   science major, and other tech-savvy members
      will continue to pursue academic excellence,   of the house, we are looking to launch this da-  Joey Welsh ’21
      strength in character, service toward our com-  tabase this year and are hopeful that, with the
      munity, and camaraderie amongst our strong   collective involvement of Delta Chis old and   VICE PRESIDENT
      brotherhood.                          new, we can fortify the bond of brotherhood        AJ Stella ’21
                                            that has enriched our lives while at Cornell       SECRETARY
      I would like to begin this letter by formally   and afterwards in life.                 Harris Zweig ’21
      introducing myself. My name is Joey Welsh,
      and I am currently a sophomore who joined   This  is  just  one  of  many  new  and  exciting   TREASURER
      Delta Chi in spring 2018. I am in Cornell’s   undertakings that our chapter plans to take   Toby DePeyster ’21
      College of Arts & Sciences and a double ma-  on this year. Between multiple philanthropic   ALUMNI RELATIONS CHAIR
      jor in mathematics and Spanish. I play wide   events, brotherhood gatherings, and alumni   Aneesh Agrawal ’21
      receiver on Cornell’s sprint football team and   outreach plans, our chapter is set up to have   SERGEANT AT ARMS
      have previously been involved in student   an extremely active year. Any assistance or   Tim Felton ’21
      government on campus through Cornell   advice  that  you  may  be  able  to  provide  with   RECRUITMENT CHAIRS
      Class Councils. My other endeavors include   respect to any chapter operations would be   Connel Rae ’20
      playing the trombone and the piano, produc-  greatly appreciated. Feel free to reach out   Joey Hashmall ’20
      ing music, playing catcher on Cornell’s club   to me at or Aneesh at   HOUSING MANAGER
      baseball team, and working on baseball data  whenever  you     Eric Sbrollini ’21
      analytics projects. I am still determining   would like.
      what I would be interested in as a future ca-  I wish you all a great year and hope to meet   ASSOCIATE MEMBER COUNSELOR
      reer, but I am intrigued by sports data analyt-  many of you throughout the future.   Rory McDermott ’21

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