Page 3 - The Cornell Delta - Winter 2018-19
P. 3

By Jeremy Wessel ’19                          Help Support Mundial Club Soccer

        My name is Jeremy Wessel and I am a senior member of Del-  Unfortunately, I write not only to share my experience, but also
        ta Chi and the current president of Cornell Mundial FC, a club   to ask for help. For the first time in our 20-plus years of ex-
        soccer team on campus. My Cornell experience has very much   istence, Cornell University has decided not to fund this club
        been shaped by this soccer team, which I joined during my first   soccer team. Cornell does not provide us fields to play on, so
        week of college. Through it, I met Luke Stella ’17, who first intro-  we  must  rent  from  the  City  of  Ithaca  and  Tompkins  Cortland
        duced me to the house I would later join.              Community College and can only accomplish so much out of
                                                               our own pockets. We are a team of 46 men, three of whom are
        While the team recruits outside of the realms of rush, they are   brothers as you now know, and we cover a wide range of aca-
        certainly not mutually exclusive. As Luke did for me three years   demic, social, and geographical backgrounds.
        ago, I have now done for new members Niko Cruz Marsted ’21
        and Adam Masters ’21.                                  This decision from Cornell does not only threaten our season,
                                                               but it has threatened future events, including our charity tour-
        I have been blessed with a great career with Mundial, winning   nament, which we do every year for the Ithaca Youth Bureau
        two of three Finger Lakes Division titles so far and competing   in  collaboration  with  Tri-Council  and  the Women’s Club  Soc-
        both regionally in Delaware and nationally in Phoenix, Arizona.   cer  Team.  Please consider  donating  whatever  you  can,  and
        This team has taken me all over the country, and I am thrilled to   please reach out to me with any questions about the team at
        say we are off to another great season.      
                                                               Details on how to donate through our tax-deductible Cornell
                                                               alumni Account:
                                                                •  Go to
                                                                •  Click on  GIVE NOW in the upper right.
                                                                •  Click to make a selection.
                                                                •  Scroll all the way down to the bottom and choose “Other –
                                                                   Student & Campus Life.”
                                                                •  Press Continue.
                                                                •  Enter  “Cornell  Mundial  FC  Men’s  Club  Soccer,  Fund
                                                                   #0013368”  in the “If you’ve selected an ’Other’ option...”
                     The Mundial Club Soccer team post-match.

                                            Cornell Sprint Football

      By Aneesh Agrawal ’21                                                            Agrawal waits behind the senior quar-
                                                                                       terback, preparing to assume the start-
      The Cornell Sprint Football team had                                             ing job next year. Finally, juniors Con-
      a tremendous 2018 season. With a 4-2                                             nell  Rae  ’20  and Brad Cohen  ’20  are
      record, the team featured a veteran de-                                          hoping to get back on field soon after
      fense, an explosive offense with many                                            returning from injury.
      young  newcomers, and the talent to
      challenge  for the  league  champion-                                            Our current brothers greatly enjoy play-
      ship.  More  importantly,  the  team is                                          ing on the sprint football  team. Not
      home to seven of our own active broth-                                           only do they continue playing the sport
      ers.                                                                             they love in college, it’s a great bond-
                                                                                       ing experience to spend so much time
      Brooks Panhans ’19 is often called the                                           with brothers from all different years.
      “Swiss Army knife” for his versatil-                                             Between  road  trips,  practice,  and  late
      ity in the passing and running game.   Delta Chi Cornell Sprint Football team members at the alumni game:   night dinners, the seven players learn a
      He is one of our three captains and a   (L to R) Sam Grossman ’21, Joey Welsh ’21, Noah Gonzales ’18, Aneesh   lot from each other and become much
                                             Agrawal ’21, Harry Green ’19, and Brooks Panhans ’19.
      leader  on  the  field  and  in  the  weight                                     closer. Even brothers not on the team
      room. On  the  other  side of the  ball,  Harry                             enjoy the football season and come to home
      Green ’19 sets the tone of the defense from   ’21, Sam Grossman ’21, and Aneesh Agraw-  games to support as a fraternity.
      his  middle  linebacker  position.  At  the  piv-  al ’21. Welsh—although in his first year of
      otal linebacker  position, Green is involved   football—has become a starter at the wide   Next  season will  bring  challenging  oppo-
      with many plays and brings his experience   receiver position and provides a reliable tar-  nents,  but we look forward to seeing  how
      as  a  fourth-year  player.  The  offense  also   get on third downs. Grossman is imperative   the season turns out and the development
      features our three sophomores Joey Welsh   in protecting the quarterback’s blind side in   of our brothers on the team.
                                            his second year as starting offensive tackle.

                                                                                 Cornell Chapter of Delta Chi
                                                                                 Cornell Chapter of Delta Chi  e  3e  3
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