Page 1 - The 315 Connection - Winter 2017-18
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       Theta Chi at Adrian College  |  Winter 2017-18 |  Zeta Beta Chapter  |  Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |  770-903-3987

   The Chesley Chat                              Spotlight:         Dr. Stephen r. gregg ’68

                                              Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter, we’re shining the
                    Greetings Brothers!       Spotlight on Brother Steve Gregg ’68. From the hometown of
                     ’m very honored to have   Milan, Michigan, Steve is a retired dentist after nearly 44 years in
                    Ireceived the call to once   his field. He and his wife Mary have been married for 45 years,
                    again serve our great chapter   and they share two adult twin children, John and Laura. Steve
                    as interim chairman of the   stays busy in his community by working with the Adrian College
                    Theta Chi House Corporation   Alumni Board, U. of Michigan, and the Milan Area Foundation.
                    at Adrian College! I previously   Hobbies include studying antique glass, gardening, some wood-
                    served as chairman from 1986-  working, working out, and, up until this year, riding his motor-
                    1989, and it seems that many   cycle. He also enjoys spending time with his three grandchildren,
   of the challenges we faced 30 years ago are again front   Austin (10), Zoe (7), and Wyatt (21 months).
   and center on the agenda today at 315 South Madison.
     First, I would like to thank our outgoing HC chair-  What do you remember most fondly during   dentist. I know I was quite young, and I do like help-
   man, Greg Bartosch ’11, for his dedicated service to   your time as an active?   ing people. For a while I wanted to be a dentist/farmer.
   our brotherhood and the House Corporation. Brother   I pledged Theta Chi the second semester of my fresh-  I think that is why we have a garden, lots of flowers, and
   Bartosch has been instrumental in moving the HC   man year (spring 1965). I think we were one of the   quite a few roses. We also have had apple, peach, cherry
                                                                                    and pear trees, plus several different grapevines and rasp-
   forward since the 50th Anniversary       first pledge classes to Theta Chi. Previously it had been   berries. They all were a lot of work. Now all we have left
                                            A.C.C. I moved into the fraternity house the next year.
   and we all appreciate his efforts and    I shared the room on the third floor that is now used for   are two pear trees and some raspberries. The apple trees
   the efforts of the HC Board over         storage with two other guys. Everyone slept in the first   made great firewood. No more apple drops to pick up or
   the past three years.                    floor sleeper in the part that was new then. I lived there   cherries to protect from the birds. On the other side, no
     I accepted the gavel at the            for three great years. The house is much different now.  more fun pressing apples for cider or cherries for pies.
   September 16  meeting of the               Things that stand out during my active years are:   Why did you begin teaching at dental school
   House Corporation, and previous          elaborate Homecoming displays, Greek Week and Greek   after graduation?
   to that meeting, I had an oppor-  Greg Bartosch ’11  Sing – The Theta Chi quartet was great and usually won.  I began teaching at the U of M Dental School imme-
   tunity to meet with active Chapter       How do you stay in touch with your Theta Chi   diately after graduation. I had an opportunity to practice
   President Rob De Santis ’18, as well as many of the   brothers today?            dentistry in Milan, Michigan, two nights a week. This
                                                                                    was a great opportunity and after a year I cut my teaching
                                              As far as contact with brothers from my pledge class, I
   undergraduate  officers.  I  toured  the  house  from  the   wish more would return for AC Homecoming or special   schedule to half time and increased my practice schedule.
   third floor to the third basement, as well as the exte-          Theta Chi events.   One of the dentists there was planning to retire soon.
   rior of the “old girl,” as Eric Sullivan ’61 used to say.        We did have a   Also my wife was teaching seventh and eighth grade
   Although we can see that some serious issues need to be          pretty good turnout   math in Milan. The opportunity to practice in Milan fit
   addressed, it’s truly amazing that she still stands proud        for the Theta Chi   perfectly. After about five years of teaching, I retired from
   after more than 165 years!                                       50th  Anniversary  that and practiced dentistry full time.
     To put it frankly, we need to make updates to some             Celebration.  We  At what point did the opportunity to take over
   mechanical systems, exterior brick and mortar repairs,           had fun swapping   a local practice arise?
                                                                    stories with actives
   window replacement, and interior restoration – includ-           and each other and   The practice in Milan was very busy. There were three
   ing both bathrooms – in the near future. Bottom line,   Bob Guy and Steve at a Michigan   seeing changes to   dentists in the practice. Eventually, we had seven hygien-
                                                                                    ists, six assistants, several receptionists, an office manager,
   the house continues to need our support and care if she   football game.  the Adrian College   and a lab tech. We were like an extended family with very
   is going to be preserved for future generations of the           campus.         little turnover. Many of our team worked with me for
   Theta Chi brothers who will walk through her doors.   Bob Guy ’70 and I have been friends since our under-  over 30 years. The partners changed over the years, but
   This, of course, will take a concerted effort and commit-  graduate years. We are both retired dentists and got our   things continued to be busy. Finally, after 43 and a half
   ment from all of us as alumni brothers. I hope you will   degrees from the University of Michigan. Our families   years, I decided it was time to retire. It was a great career
                                            enjoy U of M athletic events – football, basketball,
   join me in this endeavor.                and hockey. Another Theta Chi alum I see frequently   with a great team. I do miss my team and the patients.
     In addition to the physical needs of the house, we   is Eric Driver ’03, who owns a gym – Mission Sports   When you see patients and their children and then their
   also need leadership from our alumni ranks to come   Performance in Adrian. He has been my trainer for six   grandchildren, you build up a lot of close relationships. I
                                                                                    often wonder what some of those patients are up to now.
   forward and fill key roles in this organization. If you’ve   years. With some help from Clayton Kirner ’06, another   I feel fortunate to have found a dentist to take my place.
   thought about how you can give back to your fraternity   trainer at the gym, they keep me in pretty good shape.  As I was winding down, I often told my patients, “You
   with your time or talent, we would appreciate hearing   When did you develop an interest in dentistry?   will like Dr. Green. He is very much like me but with one
                   Chesley (continued on page 4)  Not sure why or when I actually decided to be a     Gregg (continued on page 4)
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