Page 3 - The 315 Connection - Winter 2017-18
P. 3

Alumni newS

     Modern Greek Life

     By Doug Miller ’90, International Secretary

                      t continues to be a great   values.” This has become a popular, headline-grabbing   On a more positive note, over the last six years on the
                    Itime to be a Theta Chi. We   thing for universities to do. In the meantime, we see   Grand Chapter, I have come across many outstanding
                    now have more undergraduates   due process stripped from organizations that already   brothers. I have had opportunities that would otherwise
                    in our organization than ever   live up to their values. While we stand ready to work   not be available to me without being a board member. I
                    before, with over 8,100 mem-  with these institutions to raise the standards of their   have visited dozens of chapters and been on conference
                    bers and 154 active chapters,   communities, we will still support our chapter’s right   calls with dozens more. However, I still get my greatest
                    plus another 14 colonies. In the   to association.             pleasure from meeting up with Zeta Beta brothers while
                    last  year,  our  chapters  contrib-  Along with our trade association, the National   on the road representing Theta Chi.
     uted over $140,000 and 8,000-plus service hours to   Interfraternity Conference, we have focused on the   I am proud to be associated with our many brothers
     the USO. We are also now preparing to roll out our   health and safety of our members. Five years ago, we   who either work at our headquarters, volunteer with
     comprehensive Pledge Education program.  rolled out our own H&S program, Sacred Purpose, and   our chapter or other chapters across the country, or
       But as you read this, Greek life continues to come   we support the NIC health and safety initiatives voted   make us stronger through their donations. Zeta Beta
     under attack. The final straw for a lot of universities was   on this summer. We continue to work with members   continues to play a significant role in Theta Chi and I
     the incident at Penn State University. Since the spring   of congress to gain support for the tax-deductible   am humbled to continue to represent our chapter. If I
     semester, we have seen universities across the country   Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act as well as   can ever be of service to my brothers, please reach out
     suspend their Greek communities to “analyze their   protecting our single sex status.  to me at

                   homeComing 2017

          irst off, on behalf
       Fof the chapter, we
       would like to thank Scott
       Chesley from House Corp.
       for  covering  the  cost  of                                                          Chapter Eternal
       Homecoming!  Scott,  we
       are grateful for helping us                                                            James Ringer ’69
       make another unforget-                                                                 James Martin ’71
       table weekend.                                                                          Larry Wine ’72
         This  year,  our                                                                   Donald Rathburn ’80
       Homecoming   started
       at 8 a.m. and ended at
       midnight!  Brothers  were                                                     Have Alumni News?
       up early moving trucks,
       grills, and other supplies   Alumni and current actives are getting ready to roast some dogs and burgers!  We want to share it in the next issue
       in preparation for families                                                  of   The  315  Connection!  Please  send
       and  alumni  driving  to  Adrian.  Many  brothers  were                      your news and photos to our account
                       ecstatic for the football                                    manager,   Kasey    Breedlove,  at
                       game, but, most impor-                             
                       tantly, to flaunt our school
                       spirit  and Theta  Chi!  We                                  SAve theSe DAteS!
                       were able to celebrate with
                       our new members, brothers,                                          2018 Founders Day
                       family, and, most impor-
                       tantly, the alumni! We  had                                    Celebration & Golf Outing
         President De Santis   about five tailgating spots for                                 April 14, 2018
        catching up with alumni   Zeta Beta. It was an amazing
          Kenny Phelps.  time to celebrate with each                                 Adrian College Homecoming
                       other at the football game.                                           October 5-7, 2018
       Not only did we celebrate the football game, we also
       celebrated our brothers in the parade, and our newly   Brothers getting ready to tailgate at Homecoming with   Theta Chi Fraternity –
       crowned homecoming king, brother Aaron Ellis!   friends, family, and alumni.  55  Anniversary Celebration
                                                                                             October 4-6, 2019
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