Page 2 - The 315 Connection - Winter 2017-18
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ChApter newS
From the Chapter President
Brothers, At Zeta Beta we like to run a tight ship, a work hard
play hard mentality. Last semester, we accomplished
am extremely rapturous to be
I serving as the chapter president. over 1,500 hours of community service contributing to
the Hope Center, Alzheimer’s walk, Adopt-A-Highway,
It is truly an honor and a lifelong Neighborhood Church, and G.I. Theta Chi – a weeklong
memory I will cherish. At the start event raising funds for the United Service Organization This past summer, brothers studied abroad in Ireland and
of my term, we were focused on (USO). This year, we raised about $2,000, almost dou- Scotland!
winning our eighth Alter Award
but fell short. This year, we were awarded the Chapter bling last year’s! Philanthropy is an endeavor we take
much pride in, all thanks to our Philanthropy Chairman
Excellence Award from Nationals in September. We Tyler Maffesoli.
were all ecstatic for our accomplishment!
This semester, 16 out of 19 potential
new members signed their bids to rush
Zeta Beta. Our Marshal Christiaan Duell
is currently leading initiation process. They
are being taught the values and traditions
of Theta Chi Fraternity. They are currently
three weeks into the initiation process with
five weeks remaining. We are all excited to
share this valuable experience with the new
guys, and look forward to having fun this
academic year!
Actives recruiting potential new members at Meet the Greeks,
Robuah De Santis Adrian College.
New members and actives enjoying the moose donated by alumni!
ChApter JuStin DAvenport
brothers are safe. This was done
through many events, most of
which were stress relievers to
really set an atmosphere at how
healthy thinking helps college life.
How do you balance work-
ing as an EMT and school?
It is insanely hard to balance
work and life as an EMT. I know,
as well as my supervisor, that aca- Rock climbing in Rotary Park, Fort Collins, CO.
demics are my number one priority.
But I also know that my EMT job is doing me a great
With girlfriend Torrey Christopher in Windsor, Pursuing one of his passions, photography, at favor in allowing me to stay, even though I am a very busy
Canada, for a formal date. Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake Shore. student. It’s a balancing act that (mostly) works itself out.
Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter What led you to join the chapter? What would you like to do with your degree?
as Spotlight is senior classman Justin I joined Theta Chi because of our I would like to become a nurse. I will begin going to
Davenport. From the hometown of chapter’s diversity and support group nursing school (hopefully in Colorado), then after I plan
Clawson, MI, Justin is pursuing his atmosphere. All my brothers have on getting a job as an ER nurse, then neonatal ICU nurse
bachelor’s in biology and is on track unwavering support for each other, and after a few years, then finally apply for flight certification
to graduate next fall. Our chapter vice it obviously shows in everything we do. and become a flight nurse.
president of health and safety for two Describe your goals as VP of Outside of school, what do you do for fun? In his EMT uniform, with his
years, he is also working as an EMT health and safety. I spend my time outside, to be put simply. I have a true mother, Chris, the day before
at Alliance Mobile Health. For fun, he My goal as health and safety is very passion for rock climbing and mountaineering, as well as moving to an Advanced Life
enjoys rock climbing and hiking. simple: to make sure all our guests and just simple hiking trips. Support truck.