Page 4 - The 315 Connection - Winter 2017-18
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gregg (continued from page 1)
BIG difference.” The patients would look at me with that Austin or Zoe individually for a week or two in
questioning look. I would say, “Well, he is 6 feet 6 inches the summer. We planned adventures, which were a
tall.” (I am only 5 feet 8 inches.) We always had a good lot of fun. One such trip was to see the dinosaurs
laugh about that. at the U of M Museum of Natural History. More
What was it like raising twins? great memories, but the swimming pool would
Raising twins is probably just like having one child, probably be their favorite. Austin did like the
but I am not sure about that as I never had just one. You Weinermobile at the Henry Ford Museum. He
can be sure with twins if one starts crying, the other will really wanted to go there because his class had been
soon cry also. Let’s start from the very beginning. First, studying about Henry Ford. Steve with his wife, children, and grandchildren.
Mary and I got married in the Adrian College Chapel in Austin played football this year for the first
July 1972. That is where we first met. I was a sophomore time. We enjoyed seeing one of his games. They won! He Michigan. We enjoyed many weekends on the bike. I
and she was just starting her freshman year. I was in the also plays lacrosse (goalie), soccer, and he wrestles. Not have ridden in rain, 90-degree heat, and hail. We were not
chapel practicing on the organ. She came in to check sure which he likes best, but I think it is lacrosse. Zoe is expecting the hail and rain together, so we did not have
that out as she was also going to study organ. Then we learning to play basketball. She is going to be taller than our rain suits on. Got pretty wet – do not like to ride in
bought a house. Then we got a puppy. Mary had never Austin, so I think this will be her sport and she enjoys it. hail! One time, Mike and I and our wives took a trip in
had a dog. The twins came along in 1976. It was a surprise She is also taking piano lessons and she really likes that. October to Traverse City. It was a beautiful sunny day and
when we found out fairly She is a quick learner. quite warm, and we had a great ride up. However, when
early that there were twins. How do you spend your free time today? we woke up in the morning, there was SNOW on the
After time to let it sink in, My free time – whatever that is – is spent mostly doing bikes. Cold does not well describe the ride home.
we began to re-plan the lots of things I enjoy. We have a garden and lots of flowers I think my motorcycle riding days are over. In the
nursery. You know – two of – the farmer in me. I also like to mow the lawn. Visiting spring, I am planning to sell my bike. I have had four
everything. Those twins are family is important. John lives in Maryland, so those visits different bikes plus a small one to learn on. Motorcycling
now successful independent are mostly long weekends. Laura lives on Lake Michigan, is a lot of fun, and we have enjoyed the 30 years we have
adults. Laura is a kindergar- so those are often day trips. We like to go to plays and been riding.
ten teacher and John is an we enjoy the Adrian Symphony concerts. Since we have What advice can you give the alumni and young
architect. Michigan football, basketball, and hockey tickets, that actives about respecting your elders?
My first day alone with gives us a busy schedule. We also collect some antiques Look forward to your future, but don’t forget your past.
the twins is one I will not and participate in a number of clubs about glass. Most of Be friendly to everyone. Life, I think, has different phases.
forget. They always took an these have a convention every year and we try to attend Some phases move easily from one to another. Others
afternoon nap, and I was several each year. Often, I speak at one of the seminars require effort to move ahead. Active brothers are college stu-
Mary and Steve on their 45th supposed to be studying for at the convention about what we collect. That does take dents. Soon they will graduate and become alumni brothers
anniversary. my most difficult class as I some prep time, but I really enjoy it. That seems to be – the next phase. Alumni brothers, I would encourage you
was getting a master’s degree replacing the weekend motorcycle trips we used to take. to visit the house and share your stories. Active brothers,
in oral diagnosis and radiology. They did not take a nap What was your most memorable ride? welcome your alumni brothers. They are part of your past.
and I did not study! Or we could talk about when they We have had lots of adventures on the bike. We usually When I retired two years ago I moved to another phase,
smeared Vaseline on the carpet and the drapes. Or maybe ride with a couple of friends or a group we joined that but it also affected my wife. We had to fit our schedules
picking the seam on the new Holly Hobby wallpaper have similar bikes. Several guys at church prodded me to together and it took some time to work that out.
while standing on the “adult” bed in Laura’s first “alone” get a motorcycle. Mike, who was the ringleader, for some Our country is different than when I was in school.
bedroom. DOUBLE TROUBLE! Great memories. They reason was on the church board. Each meeting he brought So is the fraternity house. As a society, we need to live
are grown now with families of their own. up that Steve was going to buy a motorcycle and we would together in spite of our differences. I have a good friend
How is life now with three grandchildren? all ride to Colorado to another friend’s wedding. The next who was a business partner. We did not always agree
So now we have grandchildren. John has two children year, Ron and I and our wives rode to Colorado to visit and sometimes that resulted in a “loud conversation.”
– Austin (10) and Zoe (7). We thought that was all there Jon and Pam. Mike never did ride to Colorado. But when that ended we put it in the past. We accepted
would be, but then Laura and Jason surprised us with The group we belonged to planned weekend rides our different views and moved on. WE AGREED TO
Wyatt (21 months). They are a lot of fun. We have had during the summer months – most were someplace in DISAGREE!
CheSley(continued from page 1)
from you. Please contact me via email at Corporation, we wish you and yours a very happy new year!
Of course, the house needs our trea-
sure as well, and you’ll be hearing more
about the specific needs as we move
forward. In the meantime, we hope you
will consider a contribution to Theta Scott Chesley ’85
Chi. Donations can be made to “Adrian Interim Chairman
College – Theta Chi Fraternity” with our Theta Chi - Zeta Beta House
sincere gratitude and appreciation. Corporation Some photos from the recognition dinner in September, put on by the Zeta Beta Alumni Association to
Thank you so much for your support, honor the active chapter for earning the Chapter Excellence Award from the Grand Chapter of Theta Chi.
and on behalf of the Zeta Beta House Alumni Association Chairman Jim Grissinger ’90 treated the active brothers to a home-cooked dinner at the
chapter house, right. Grissinger congratulates active Chapter President Rob De Santis ’18 with the Chapter
Excellence Award, left.
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