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                            Pi Chapter of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity ★ Indiana University ★ Alumni Relations Office ★ P.O. Box 5782 ★ Bloomington, IN 47407 ★ Spring 2017

         From The                         IT’S GREAT TO BE A BETA ON A BIKE

            House                                                  marked the  67    financial committent for education. The race began in 1951
                                                                                 as a way to raise scholarship money for students working
      Corporation                                                  Men’s   Little  their way through college. Since that first race, IUSF has
                                                                   500  race. The
                                                                                 given away over $1 million to deserving undergrads.
                                                                   race may only   Training on the team often includes upwards of 20 hours
                                                                   fall on one day,   a week. The race defines the team’s college careers, and
                   Brothers:                                       but the event   they look forward to growing awareness with newfound
                     Greetings  from                               and competition   support from Betas across the country. One of our team’s
                   Indiana  University                             demands       2016/2017 riders, Joseph Laughlin ’17, shares a bit of his
                   Pi Chapter  of Beta   The 2017 Beta Theta Pi Little 500   countless  hours   experience:
                   Theta  Pi! In the       team prepares to compete.  of  training. The   “Last spring, I shattered my collarbone by crashing in a
                   twilight  of  the                               Little 500 is the   road race in St. Louis five weeks before the Little 500. The
                   semester  at  hand   largest collegiate bike race in the United States. Modeled   fracture required a titanium plate and six screws — three
                   we gaze upon our    after the Indianapolis 500, riders compete in four-person   on each side of the break — to repair it. I had no chance of
     work and accomplishments. The spring   teams around a quarter-mile cinder track at Bill Armstrong   riding in what would’ve been my third race — my last with
     pledge class of 11 men moves on toward   Stadium. The men’s race is 200 laps — 50 miles — and the   two seniors, some of my best friends, who joined the team
     initiation next fall, Drop the Puck hockey   women’s race is 100.           with me years prior.
     fundraiser hustled another successful   Beta has a great history in the race with two wins and   In the days and weeks after the break, I struggled to cope
     philanthropy  in tandem  with several   numerous Top 5 finishes. After graduating four riders from   with my reality. I felt anger at the rider who caused the
     Greek houses, and our Little  500 bike    a dominating victory in the 2013 race, the team set out to   crash, frustration with my decision to ride in that criterium,
     team finished fourth this year, the best of   reload. The men who join the cycling team for Beta take on   despair with my slow healing process, and the enduring
     Greek houses.                     not only a huge commitment to physical training, but also a        (continued on page 4)
       Our general  fraternity  brotherhood
     boasts 130 chapters  and colonies  in
     North America!
      We gather in convention July 26-30 in
     Salt Lake City to learn, review, refine, and
     enjoy a mindful moment. Sit and savor
     a  few minutes  of  community,  shared
     values, Beta principals, and friendships
     we honor and pursue!
       The castle at 1100 North Jordan will
     roll over the mortgage note this summer
     with substantial principal paydown, and                The four 2017 Little 500   The team earned
     a higher interest rate. Eighty-two men are             riders, from left to right,   trophies for being the
     committed to live in status; our revenue,               are Colten Renier, Jack   top-finishing Greek   The 2016/2017 cycling team
     debt service, and appointments are better   Beta leading the pack in   McNamara, John Hyndman,   team and for earning   takes a break during a fall team
     sustained!                           the 2017 Little 500.  and Joe Laughlin.  fourth place.        building ride.
       We remain excited about fall ‘17 as
     our chapter  dynamics  convey  many
     moving parts, and prospects remain
      A return of Brother James Thomas as
     live-in manager, return of College Fresh
     kitchen service, completion of summer
     realty improvements, and a new order in
     Student Life & Learning directives will
     be realized!
      Call out your bros and stay in touch!
     Dr. Charles McCormick III ’72
     Marching Along Educational Foundation
                                        The Beta Cycling closes down the track during a frigid   The Beta Cycling team traveled to Panama City Beach,
                                        Spring Break training session — they were the only ones   Florida, for one week over winter break. They logged
                                          willing to brave the elements during a snowstorm.  more than 400 miles in six days during this training trip.
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