Page 4 - Kai from Pi - Spring 2017
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Pi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity
Indiana University
Alumni Relations Office
P.O. Box 80828
Atlanta, GA 30366
BETA ON A BIKE (continued from page 1)
physical pain. I missed classes, meetings, and parties. Chapter Betas at large. I should be out there. I will be
A week after my collarbone surgery, I got appendicitis, out there in 2017.”
and another surgery and week of recovery followed. The sport itself is full-circle — it not only prepares
It was impossible to move through this time without each rider for the main event, but it also teaches them
asking questions about whether I would ever want to how to work as a team, cope with pain and loss, and
ride again. I didn’t have to do it, and with my senior how to manage their dreams through determination.
year around the corner, I would be sacrificing sleep, The event is broadcast nationally and has been featured
comfort, time, and maybe even my health, to get back on ESPN. Annual attendance is upwards of 20,000
on the bike. spectators, making it the largest single-day cycling
event in North America. Showcased in the 1979 film We were extremely thrilled about the result, but
Breaking Away, Little 5 is a 200-lap race on an old- knew our work wasn’t done. After our qualification, we
school cinder track, where 33 teams of four riders all headed out on a 45-mile ride with Beta Cycling alum
ride the same aluminum single-speed bikes. After AJ Sood ’16 to continue the hard work, while keeping
months of training, each competing team must qualify in mind the real important day of April 22, 2017.”
to be part of the race itself. Colten Renier, a 2016/2017 The final four riders for the 2017 race were: John
team member, shares his memory and experience Hyndman, Jack McNamara, Joe Laughlin, and Colten
leading up to the final challenge: Renier. John Hyndman, who just graduated, served on
“Last year, I stood on the fence in the cold 8:00 a.m. the 2016-2017 IU Student Foundation Little 500 Riders
morning and watched as our team took the track for the Council, and Jack McNamara will serve as the 2017-
2016 qualifications run. I took note of all the preparation 2018 IU Student Foundation Little 500 Riders Council
that day, how focused the team was, and how well they President.
did. I knew I would be in this place someday and tried Being a part of the team is dedication. Though the
Many alumni joined the current team to coach and to take it all in. team didn’t take home the first-place trophy this year,
support the squad on race day. One year later, I found myself standing in the center they showed everyone in the stadium that day what
of the track waiting for John Hyndman ’17 to bring a Beta is capable of. Their time [2:12:42.104] was
My questions were answered quickly at the start/ the exchange in to me for my first qualifications run. only milliseconds apart from the first-place team’s
finish line of the 2016 Little 500 race. I stood over Kyle The run started with Joe Laughlin ’17. He threw [2:12:29.518] and brought them in at fourth out of 33.
Knight ‘16 with an umbrella, keeping him cool while down a blistering first lap and gave the bike to John in We commend the 2017 team for their efforts and would
Another Round sang “Back Home Again in Indiana” a smooth clean exchange. After John’s lap, it was time like to recognize this elite group of athletes as leaders
before the race. As soon as they finished, he stood up to exchange to me. If there was any doubt in our run it in our community. The IUSF Student Foundation has
slowly, gave me a hug with watery eyes, and said, ‘You was this exchange. Fortunately, we were able to have a currently given out over $2 million in scholarships to
should be out here, man.’ fast and clean exchange and then it was off to the third students. We encourage all to congratulate the chapter
I would have to watch, not race in, the Little 500 to lap. After my lap, I came in and exchanged with Jack cycling team for its exceptional achievements and for
remember how worth it all of it was — thousands of McNamara and he was off to the races. We ended working so hard to make Beta’s presence known —
miles, hundreds of hours, coaching meetings, race tape up with a finishing time of 2:24.005 and moved into year after year. To follow the Pi Chapter team, visit
sessions, dieting, training trips — for the opportunity to second place, a position we held for the rest of the day.
race for Beta Theta Pi; for the chance to compete with
guys with whom the bonds of friendship are closer than Connect with Us! Find us on Facebook!
any other.
It is worth it for me to race for the guys on the team, visit us online at search for
the alumni coaches, the brothers in the stands, and all Pi Beta Theta Pi—Indiana University
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